Slides from Math 3, Fall 2011:

09/28 (goes with Lecture 4)
09/30 notes and spreadsheets (part of Lecture 6)
10/03 notes and graphs (.gcx or .pdf) (part of Lecture 7)
10/05 notes
10/07 Tangent lines and the derivative notes: before and after
10/10 Differentiation rules notes: before and after
10/12 Derivatives of trig functions notes: before and after
10/14 mean value theorem, increasing/decreasing, and implicit differentiation notes: before and after
10/17 Derivatives of exponentials and logs notes: before and after
10/19 Newton's Method and Linearization notes: before, workbook, and after
10/21 Antiderivatives and Initial Value Problems notes: before, to print, and after
10/24 Related rates: after
10/26 Differential equations: before, print, and after
10/28 Exponential growth: before, print, after
10/31 Euler's Method: before, print, after, and spreadsheet
11/02 Curve Sketching: before, print, after
11/04 Optimization: before, print
11/07 Accumulation: before, print
11/09 Definite integral: before, print, after
11/11 FTC and Substitution: before, print 11/14 Numerical integration: after
11/16 Area between curves: before
11/18 Arc length: before, print
11/18 Inverse trig functions: before, print