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M. A. Bedau. 2008. The evolution of complexity. In Thomas Pradeu, et al., eds., Mapping the Future of Biology: Evolving Concepts and Theories, pp. XX-XX. Forthcoming.
M. A. Bedau. 2008. Is weak emergence just in the mind? Minds and Machines, special issue on emergence. Forthcoming.
M. A. Bedau and E. C. Parke, eds. The prospect of protocells: social and ethical implications of the recreation of life. Cambridge: MIT Press. Forthcoming.
M. A. Bedau and E. C. Parke. 2008. Introduction to the prospect of protocells. In M. A. Bedau and E. C. Parke, eds., The prospect of protocells: social and ethical implications of the recreation of life, pp. XX-XX. Cambridge: MIT Press. Forthcoming.
M. A. Bedau and M. Triant. 2008. Social and ethical implications of artificial cells. In M. A. Bedau and E. C. Parke, eds., The prospect of protocells: social and ethical implications of the recreation of life, pp. XX-XX. Cambridge: MIT Press. Forthcoming.
E. C. Parke and M. A. Bedau. 2008. The precautionary principle and its critics. In M. A. Bedau and E. C. Parke, eds., The prospect of protocells: social and ethical implications of the recreation of life, pp. XX-XX. Cambridge: MIT Press. Forthcoming.
S. Rasmussen, M. A. Bedau, L. Chen, D. Deamer, D. C. Krakauer, N. H. Packard, P. F. Stadler, eds. 2008. Protocells: bridging nonliving and living matter. Cambridge: MIT Press.
M. A. Bedau and E. C. Parke. 2008. Social and ethical issues concerning protocells. In S. Rasmussen, M. A. Bedau, L. Chen, D. Deamer, D. C. Krakauer, N. H. Packard, P. F. Stadler, eds., Protocells: bridging nonliving and living matter, pp. XX-XX. Cambridge: MIT Press. In press.
S. Rasmussen, M. A. Bedau, J. S. McCaskill, N. H. Packard. 2008. A roadmap to protocells. In S. Rasmussen, M. A. Bedau, L. Chen, D. Deamer, D. C. Krakauer, N. H. Packard, P. F. Stadler, eds., Protocells: bridging nonliving and living matter, pp. XX-XX. Cambridge: MIT Press. In press.
M. A. Bedau. 2007. Une vue fonctionnelle de la cellule vivante minimale (A functional view of minimal cellular life). In H. Bersini and J. Reisse, eds., Comment définir la vie?, pp. 5-13. Paris: Vuibert.
S. Valverde, R. V. Sole, M. A. Bedau, and N. Packard. 2007. Topology and evolution of technology innovation networks. Physical Review E 76, pp. 056118-1 – 056118-7.
G. Gazzola, A.J. Buchanan, N.H. Packard, M.A. Bedau. 2007. Catalysis by self-assembled structures in emergent reaction networks. In F. Almeida e Costa, L. Mateus Rocha, I. Harvey and A. Coutinho (eds.), Advances in Artificial Life, 9th European Conference ECAL 2007, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 4648, pp. XX-XX. Springer: Berlin. (A longer unpublished version of this paper is available here.)
M. Theis, G. Gazzola, M. Forlin, I. Poli, M. M. Hanczyc, M. A. Bedau. 2007. Optimal formulation of complex chemical systems with a genetic algorithm. ComPlexUs, pp. XX-XX. In press.
M. A. Bedau. 2007. What is life? In S. Sarkar and A. Plutynski, eds., A Companion to the Philosophy of Biology, pp. 455-471. New York: Blackwell.
M. A. Bedau. 2007. Artificial life. In M. Matthen and C. Stephens, eds., Handbook of the Philosophy of Biology, pp. 585-603. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Mark A. Bedau and Paul Humphreys, eds. Emergence: contemporary readings in philosophy and science. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2008.
J. S. McCaskill, N. H. Packard, S. Rasmussen, M. A. Bedau. 2007. Evolutionary self-organization in complex fluids. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 362, 1763-1779.
Solé, R. V., Rasmussen, S., and Bedau, M. A., eds. (2007). Towards the artificial cell (theme issue). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 362 (1486), pp. 1723-1925.
Solé, R. V., Rasmussen, S., and Bedau, M. A. (2007). Introduction: artificial protocells. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 362, 1725.
A. Buchanan, G. Gazzola, M. A. Bedau. 2007. Evolutionary design of a model of self-assembling chemical structures. In N. Krasnogor, S. Gustafson, D. Pelta and J.L. Verdegay, eds., Systems Self-Assembly: Multidisciplinary Snapshots, pp. 79-100. Elsevier.
L. M. Rocha, L. S. Yaeger, M. A. Bedau, D. Floriano, R. L. Goldstein, A. Vespignani, eds. 2006. Artificial Life X: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Seth Bullock and M. A. Bedau. 2006. Exploring the dynamics of adaptation with evolutionary activity statistics. 2006. Artificial Life 12, 1-5.
Mark A. Bedau, Andrew Buchanan, Gianluca Gazzola, Martin Hanczyc, Thomas
Maeke, John McCaskill, Irene Poli, Norman H. Packard. 2005. Evolutionary
design of a DDPD model of ligation. In Proceedings of the 7th International
Conference on Artificial Evolution EA'05. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
vol. 3871, pp. 201-212, Springer Verlag.
M. Bedau, P. Husbands, T. Hutton, S. Kumar, and H. Suzuki. 2004. Workshop
and Tutorial Proceedings, Ninth International Conference on the Simulation
and Synthesis of Living Systems (ALife IX). Boston, Massachusettes. Pp.
iv + 185.
M. A. Bedau. 2004. How to understand the question “What is life?” In M. Bedau, P. Husbands, T. Hutton, S. Kumar, and H. Suzuki. 2004. Workshop and Tutorial Proceedings, Ninth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems (ALife IX). Boston, Massachusettes, pp. 126-129.
J. Pollock, M. Bedau, P. Husbands, T. Ikegami, & R. Walker, eds. 2004. Artificial Life IX; Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems. Cambridge: MIT Press. Pp. xiv + 589.
A. Buchanan, M. Triant, and M. A. Bedau. 2004. The flexible balance of evolutionary novelty and memory in the face of environmental catastrophes. In J. Pollock, M. A. Bedau, P. Husbands, T. Ikegami, & R. Walker, eds., Artificial Life IX; Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, pp. 297-302. Cambridge: MIT Press.
M. A. Bedau. 2004. A case study in objectifying values in science. In P. Machamer and G. Wooters, eds., Science, Values, and Objectivity (pp. 190-219). Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
M. A. Bedau. 2004. Artificial life illuminates human hyper-creativity. In Dmitry Bulatov, ed., Biomediale: Contemporary Science and Genomic Culture (pp. 216-231). Kaliningrad: The National Center for Contemporary Arts.
S. Rasmussen, M. A. Bedau, L. Chen, D. Deamer, D. Krakauer, N. H. Packard, P. F. Stadler. 2004. Living and non-living matter (letter). Science 305: 41-43.
S. Rasmussen, L. Chen, D. Deamer, D. Krakauer, N. H. Packard, P. F. Stadler, M. A. Bedau. 2004. Transitions from nonliving to living matter. Science 303: 963-965.
M. A. Bedau, 2003. Artificial life: organization, adaptation, and complexity from the bottom up. Trends in Cognitive Science 7: 505-512.
M. J. Raven and M. A. Bedau. 2003. General Framework for Evolutionary Activity. In W. Banzhaf, T. Christaller, P. Dittrich, J. Kim, J. Ziegler (Eds.), Advances in Artificial Life, 7th European Conference ECAL 2003 (pp. 676-685). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2801. Berlin: Springer.
S. Rasmussen, M. J. Raven, G. N. Keating, and M. A. Bedau. 2003. Collective intelligence of the artificial life community on its own successes, failures, and future. Artificial Life 9: 207-235.
M. A. Bedau and N. H. Packard. 2003. Evolution of evolvability via adaptation
of mutation rates. BioSystems 69: 143 - 162.
Abstract (html) | Full paper (pdf) 644K
M. A. Bedau. 2003. Downward causation and autonomy in weak emergence. Principia
6: 5-50.
Abstract (html) | Full paper (pdf)
M. A. Bedau. 2003. Artificial Life. In L. Floridi, ed., The Blackwell
Guide to the Philosophy of Information and Computing (Malden, MA: Blackwell
Publishing), pp. 197-211.
Abstract (html) | Full paper (pdf) 104K
N. H. Packard and M. A. Bedau. 2003. Artificial Life. In Encyclopedia
of Cognitive Science, Vol. 1, pp. 209-215. Macmillan.
Full paper (pdf) 43K
M. A. Bedau and M. J. Raven. 2002. Visualizing adaptive evolutionary activity of allele types and tokens. In E. Bilotta, D. Gross, T. Smith, T. Lenaerts, S. Bullock, H. H. Lund, J. Bird, R. Watson, P. Pantano, L. Pagliarini, H. Abbass, R. Standish, and M. Bedau, eds., Workshops Proceedings of the Eighth Artificial Life Conference, pp. 119-130. University of New South Wales, Sydney.
A. Skusa and M.A. Bedau. 2002. Towards a comparison of evolutionary creativity in biological and cultural evolution. In R. Standish, M. A. Bedau, and H. A. Abbass, eds., Artificial Life VIII, pp. 233-242. Cambridge: MIT Press.
R. Standish, M. A. Bedau, and H. A. Abbass, eds., 2002. Artificial Life VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems. Cambridge: MIT Press. Pp. x + 434.
M. A. Bedau. 2002. The scientific and philosophical scope of artificial life.
Leonardo 35: 395-400.
Abstract (html) | Full paper (pdf) 56K
M. A. Bedau. 2002. Artificial life. In R. Flynn, ed., Computer Sciences, Vol. 4. Electronic Universe. Macmillan, pp. 9-11.
M. Wheeler, S. Bullock, E. Di Paolo, J. Noble, M. Bedau, P. Husbands, S.
Kirby, and A. Seth. 2002. The view from elsewhere: perspectives on ALife modelling.
Artificial Life 8: 87-100.
Abstract (html) | Full paper (pdf)
S. Joshi, J. Parker, and M. A. Bedau. 2002. Financial markets can be at sub-optimal
equilibria. Computational Economics 19: 5-23. Also published as Working
Paper No. 99-03-023, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe NM.
(html) | Full paper (pdf) 144K
M. A. Bedau, 2002. Quantifying the environment for adaptation. In M. Sugisaka & H. Tanaka (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 7th), Beppu, pp. 302-305.
M. A. Bedau. 2001. Comparison of the growth of adaptive structure in artificial life models and in the fossil record. PaleoBios 21: 30.
M. A. Bedau. 2001. Dynamics of the environment for adaptation in static resource
models. In J. Kelemen and P. Sosik (Eds.), Advances in Artificial Life (Proc.
6th European Conference on Artificial Life, Prague, September 10-14,
2001), pp. 76-85. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2159 (Springer,
Abstract (html) | Full paper (pdf) 232K
Mark A. Bedau, John S. McCaskill, Norman H. Packard, Steen Rasmussen, Chris
Adami, David G. Green, Takashi Ikegami, Kunihiko Kaneko, Thomas S. Ray. 2000.
Open Problems in Artificial life. Artificial Life 6: 363-376.
(html) | Preprint (pdf) 136K
R. M. Smith and M. A. Bedau. 2000. Is Echo a Complex Adaptive System? Evolutionary
Computation 8: 419-442.
Abstract (html) | Full paper (pdf) 464K
M. A. Bedau, J. McCaskill, N. Packard, S. Rasmussen, eds. 2000. Artificial Life VII: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems (Cambridge: MIT Press). Pp. 564. Pp. xii + 564.
A. Rechtsteiner and M. A. Bedau. 1999. A Generic Model for Quantitative Comparison
of Genotypic Evolutionary Activity. In Dario Floreano, Jean-Daniel Nicoud,
Francesco Mondada, eds., Advances in Artificial Life, Fifth European Conferenc,
ECAL’99, pp. 109-118. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. Lecture Notes
in Artificial Intelligence 1674.
Abstract (html) | Full paper (pdf) 248K
M. A. Bedau. 1999. Quantifying the Extent and Intensity of Adaptive Evolution.
In A. Wu, ed., Proceedings of the 1999 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
ConferenceWorkshop Program, pp. 34-37.Orlando: GECCO.
Full paper (pdf) 120K | Full
paper (postscript) 88K
M. A. Bedau. 1999. Can Unrealistic Computer Models Illuminate Theoretical
Biology? In A. Wu, ed., Proceedings of the 1999 Genetic and Evolutionary
Computation ConferenceWorkshop Program, pp. 20-23. Orlando: GECCO.
Full paper (pdf) 112K
M. A. Bedau, S. Joshi, and B. Lillie. 1999. Visualizing Waves of Evolutionary
Activity of Alleles. In A. Wu, ed., Proceedings of the 1999 Genetic and
Evolutionary Computation ConferenceWorkshop Program, pp. 96-98. Orlando:
Full paper (pdf) 624K | Supplementary atlas of waves of evolutionary activity
of alleles. Full atlas (pdf) 784K
A. Rechtsteiner and M. A. Bedau. 1999. A Generic Model for Measuring Excess
Evolutionary Activity. In Banzhaf, W., Daida, J., Eiben, A. E., Garzon, M.
H., Honavar, V., Jakiela, M., & Smith, R. E. (eds.). GECCO-99: Proceedings
of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, July 13-17, 1999,
Orlando, Florida, Vol. 2, pp. 1366-1373. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.
Abstract (html) | Full paper (pdf) 248K
S. Joshi, J. Parker, and M. A. Bedau. 1999. Technical Trading Creates a Prisoner’s
Dilemma: Results from an Agent-Based Model. In Proceedings of Computational
Finance, CF99, a conference held at New York University, January 1999.
Also published as Working
Paper No. 98-12-115, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe NM.
Abstract (html) | Full paper (pdf)
M. A. Bedau. 1999. Supple Laws in Biology and Psychology. In V. Hardcastle,
ed., Where
Biology Meets Psychology: Philosophical Essays, pp. 287-302. Cambridge:
MIT Press.
Abstract (html) | Full paper (pdf) 70K
M. A. Bedau and C. Titus Brown. 1999. Visualizing Evolutionary Activity of
Genotypes, Artificial Life 5: 17-35. Also published as Working Paper
No.98-03-023, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM.
Abstract (html) | Full paper
(pdf) 756K
S. Joshi and M. A. Bedau. 1998. An Explanation of Generic Behavior in an
Evolving Financial Market. In R. Standish, B. Henry, S. Watt, R. Marks, R.
Stocker, D. Green, S. Keen, T. Bossomaier, eds. Complex Systems ‘98:
From Ecology to Economics, , pp. 327-335. Sydney: Complexity Online Network.
Also published as Working Paper No. 98-12-114, Santa Fe Intsitute, Santa Fe
Abstract (html) | Full paper (pdf)
M. A. Bedau. 1998. Four Puzzles about Life. Artificial Life 4: 125-140.
(html) | Full paper (pdf) 56K | Full
paper (html) 66K
R. Smith and M. A. Bedau. 1998. Emergence of Complex Ecologies in Echo. In Y. Bar-Yam, ed., Unifying Themes in Complex Systems. Perseus Books, Reading MA.
M. A. Bedau, E. Snyder, N. H. Packard. 1998. A Classification of Long-Term
Evolutionary Dynamics. In C. Adami, R. Belew, H. Kitano, and C. Taylor, eds.,
Artificial Life VI, pp. 228-237. Cambridge: MIT Press. Also published
as Working
Paper No.98-03-025, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM.
(html) | Full paper (pdf) 280K
J. Fletcher, M. A. Bedau, M. Zwick. 1998. Effect of Environmental Texture
on Evolutionary Adaptation. In C. Adami, R. Belew, H. Kitano, and C. Taylor,
eds., Artificial Life VI, pp. 189-198. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Full paper (pdf) 9M
M. A. Bedau. 1998. Philosophical Content and Method of Artificial Life. In
T. W. Bynam and J. H. Moor, eds., The Digital Phoenix: How Computers are
Changing Philosophy, pp. 135-152. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Reprinted
in Italian translation as “Contenuto filosofico e metodo della vita
artificiale”. In In T. W. Bynam and J. H. Moor, eds., La fenice
digitale. Milano: Apogeo, 2000.
Abstract (html) | Full
paper (html) 49K
M. A. Bedau, E. Snyder, C. T. Brown, and N. H. Packard. 1997. A Comparison
of Evolutionary Activity in Artificial Evolving Systems and the Biosphere.
In P. Husbands and I. Harvey, Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference
on Artificial Life, ECAL97, pp. 125-134. Cambridge: MIT Press. Also published
as Working
Paper No.98-03-024, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM.
Abstract (html) | Full paper (pdf) 512K
M. A. Bedau. 1997. Emergent Models of Supple Dynamics in Life and Mind. Brain
and Cognition 34: 5-27.
Abstract (html) | Full
paper but without 4 figures (html) 69K
M. A. Bedau. 1997. Weak Emergence. In James Tomberlin, ed., Philosophical
Perspectives: Mind, Causation, and World, vol. 11, pp. 375-399. Oxford:
Blackwell Publishers.
Abstract (html) | Full paper but without
3 figures (pdf) 88K
M. A. Bedau. 1996. The Extent to which Organisms Construct their Environments.
Adaptive Behavior 4: 476-482.
Full paper (html) 22k
J. Fletcher, M. Zwick, M. A. Bedau. 1996. Dependence of Adaptability on Environmental
Structure in a Simple Evolutionary Model. Adaptive Behavior 4: 283-315.
Abstract (html) | Full paper (pdf)
M. A. Bedau. 1996. The Nature of Life. In Margaret Boden, ed., The Philosophy
of Artificial Life, pp. 332-357. New York: Oxford University Press.
Full paper but without figures (html) 22K
M. A. Bedau, M. Giger, M. Zwick. 1995. Adaptive Diversity Dynamics in Static Resource Models. Advances in Systems Science and Applications 1: 1-6.
M. A. Bedau, A. Bahm, M. Zwick. 1995. Variance and Uncertainty Measures of Population Diversity. Advances in Systems Science and Applications 1: 7-13.
M. A. Bedau. 1995. Three Illustrations of Artificial Life's Working Hypothesis.
In Wolfgang Banzhaf and Frank Eeckman, eds., Evolution and Biocomputation—Computational
Models of Evolution, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 899, pp. 53-68.
Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Abstract (html) | Full paper (pdf)
M. A. Bedau. 1995. Artificial Life. In R. Audi, ed., The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, pp. 50-51. New York: Cambridge University Press.
M. A. Bedau. 1994. The Evolution of Sensorimotor Functionality. In P. Gaussier
and J.-D. Nicoud, eds., From Perception to Action, pp. 134-145. Los
Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press.
Abstract (html) | Full paper (pdf) 264K
M. A. Bedau, R. Seymour. 1994. Adaptation of Mutation Rates in a Simple Model
of Evolution. In Russel J. Stonier and Xing Huo Yu, eds., Complex Systems—Mechanism
of Adaptation, pp. 37-44. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
(html) | Full paper (pdf) 208K | Also
published on the web in Complexity
International at this site.
M. A. Bedau, A. Bahm. 1994. Bifurcation Structure in Diversity Dynamics.
In R. Brooks and P. Maes, eds., Proceedings of Artificial Life IV: An
Interdisciplinary Workshop on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems,
pp. 258-268. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Abstract (html) | Full paper (pdf) - 272K
M. A. Bedau, A. Bahm. 1993. Order and Chaos in the Evolution of Diversity. In J. Deneubourg, H. Bersini, S. Goss, and G. Nicolis, eds., Self-Organisation and Life: From Simple Rules to Global Complexity, Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Artificial Life, Brussels, Belgium, 24-26 May 1993, pp. 51-62. Brussles: ECAL’93.
M. A. Bedau. 1993. Naturalism and Teleology. In S. Wagner and R. Warner, eds., Naturalism: A Critical Appraisal, Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, pp. 23-51.
M. A. Bedau. 1992. Where's the Good in Teleology? Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 52: 781-806. Reprinted in Colin Allen, Marc Bekoff, George Lauder, eds. 1997. Nature's Purposes: Analyses of function and design in biology, pp. 261-291. Cambridge: MIT Press.
M. A. Bedau. 1992. Goal-Directed Systems and the Good. The Monist
75: 34-49.
Abstract (html) | Full paper (pdf) - 216K
M. A. Bedau. 1992. Philosophical Aspects of Artificial Life. In F. Varela and P. Bourgine, eds. Towards A Practice of Autonomous Systems, pp. 494-503. Cambridge: MIT Press.
M. A. Bedau, F. Ronneburg, M. Zwick. 1992. Dynamics of Diversity in an Evolving Population. In R. Männer and B. Manderick, eds., Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 2, pp. 95-104. New York: Elsevier.
M. A. Bedau. 1991. Can Biological Teleology be Naturalized? The Journal of Philosophy 88: 647-655.
M. A. Bedau, N. H. Packard. 1991. Measurement of Evolutionary Activity, Teleology,
and Life. In C. Langton, C. Taylor , D. Farmer, and S. Rasmussen, eds., Artificial
Life II, Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Vol.
X, pp. 431-461. Redwood City: Addison-Wesley. Also published as Technical
Report No. CCSR-90-20 (1990), Center for Complex Systems Research—Beckman
Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Abstract (html) | Full paper but without figures
(pdf) 328K
M. A. Bedau. 1990. Against Mentalism in Teleology. American Philosophical Quarterly 27: 61-70.
G. Myro, M. A. Bedau, T. Monroe. 1987. Rudiments of Logic. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Pp. vi + 322.
M. A. Bedau. 1986. Cartesian Interaction. Midwest Studies in Philosophy 10: 483-502. Reprinted in Vere Chappell, ed. 1992. Essays on Early Modern Philosophers: From Descartes and Hobbes to Newton and Leibniz, Vol. 1, René Descartes, pp. 21-40. New York: Garland.