Week 1
08.29 (TUE)
- Intro to class
- Things you should know about computers, and digital images
- Scanning
- Assign Scan exercise
- Get accounts for DML. Make sure you can log in
- Scanning instructions from DML [PDF]
08.31 (THUR)
- Non-destructive editing
- Intro to photoshop [notes]: navigation, zoom, crop, scale, destructive vs non-destructive editing), filters, selection and layer masks
- Before you leave, put at least 5 things on the moon using layer masks. Find things that look very different (solid, organic, furry, geometric) and with different image sizes to try different selection methods
Week 2
09.05 (TUE)
- Discuss readings [post question 1 hour before class on moodle]
- Assign Project
- Review: Layers (belending mode), layer masks as image (edit -> fill)
- Photoshop: using numbers, adjustment layers, and layermasks [notes]
- Lab: Explore all the adjustment layers. Then work on Day to Dusk #1.
Read by this class:
- “What’s the Point of an Index? Or Faking Photographs” by Tom Gunning in NORDICOM Review. 5 (1/2): 39–49. (2004) [PDF]
- Wikipedia "Truth claim"
- Scan exercise due before class starts. Put into class handin folder. [Class->Handin -> 01.ScanningExercise -> Folder with yourname]

Scan the same thing 3 times DO NOT SCRATCH THE SURFACE OF THE SCANNER ($400 to fix)

Assuming 300 dpi output on a 4x6 inch paper, scan something flat (and not sharp) three times so
  • that your resulting scan is approximately 1x, 2-5x, 8-(as high as possible) magnified and
  • that your images increasingly defamiliarizes the original object. (This can be abstraction, revealing unseen textures such as half-tones)
On the filename, include your last-name, magnification, and file-size. (eg. Miyoshi.2x.2MB.tif). Use the scanner resolution to enlarge: do not use photoshop to enlarge (e.g. Do not resample). You will need Photoshop to change the resolution and to crop so that all the images are approximately 4x6 inches at 300dpi. (That is, they should have different magnification but the image you hand in should be approx. 4x6 inches at 300dpi). For this exercise you could ignore the bit depth (8bits, 24 bits, b/w...etc).
09.07 (THUR)
- Review Layermasks, clipping masks
- Refining masks/edges [notes]
- Hard-edged vs soft-edged collage
- Work on Day to Dusk #2. Turn the light on the lamp posts. Work on the highlights of the lamp post. Add shadow to pedestrians.
Week 3
09.12 (TUE)
- Discuss Readings. [post question 1 hour before class on moodle] [my notes]
- Photo retouching [notes]
- Any photoshop questions??
- RAW files from Digital Cameras
Day to dusk #3: duplicate the fire hydrant, erase the bicycles from the scene using the retouching tools. Try the content aware tools on other things you deem unnecessary in the scene.
Read by this class:
- Embodied Virtuality: Or How to Put Bodies Back into the Picture by N. Katherine Hayles
- Body by Bernadette Wegensten from Critical Terms for Media Studies
09.14 (THUR)
- Smart Objects
- Vector in Photoshop & Illustrator [notes #1]
- Select the car with the pen tool and insert into day to dusk. Using clipping masks, add adjustment layers so that it fits the scene better
- Work on Project
Week 4
09.19 (TUE)
- Illustrator? Studio work time
- Work on Project
09.21 (THUR)
- Studio work time
Week 5
09.26 (TUE)
- Critique
Due before classes start. No handin after critique starts. Must be at least 1000x1000 pixels

1. Photoshop project: Create a photoshop image (in PSD or Tiff format with layers) that depics "a new conception of the body/self" in response to the body readings. Think about how technologies (bio, digital, cyber, machine...etc) alter our perception of the body. Respond by creating an image that convey your idea using photographic images (that is, not drawings). Recall that a photographic image allows you to be quite spefic, not a general body but your body, for example. This will be subject to critique based on technical competency/sophistication and artistic merit.

2. Technical exercise: submit your original and photorealistic "Day to Dusk" image (must be unflattend PSD or Tiff file). There are two requirements. 1) You must turn a daytime photogrpah into a night time photograph. 2) Add (collage in) a new element into the image that was not in the original and make it belong/fit. This is a technical exercise thus the focus will be on your technical competency. Choose your image wisely so that you can demonstrate your technical ability. You must get approval from instructor for the original image to avoid problems stemming from lack of image quality. If you start off with a bad quality image, you will have difficulties.
- Backra Bluid by Stacey Tyrell
- Before & After by Esther Honig
- Stelarc [wikipedia]
- Orlan [wikipedia]
- Cindy Sherman
- Morimura Yasumasa
- Joshua Citarella (2016, 2017 works)
09.28 (THUR)
- Critique part 2
- Some Illustrator
Week 6
10.03 (TUE)
- Discuss Readings [my notes]
- Illustrator [notes #2]
- Illustrator landscape
Read by this class:
- Ch2 (Understanding metamedia p107-157) from Software Takes Command by Lev Manovich
10.05 (THUR)
- Illustrator [notes #3]
- Processing 01
- Processing: Using the Robot01_Draw example under the Robot folder in the example section of the book as a starting point, add something fitting (shelter? partner? enemy?) for/to the Robot.
- Review after class:
- Ch1, Ch2, and Ch3 from "Getting Started with Processing"
- Creative Coding Toolkits Panel [56:38min] Max/MSP, Processing (10:40min in), OpenFrameworks, Cinder
- Video: Creative Codeing (PBS OffBOok) [5:42min]: impressionistic introduction to Processing, Cinder, OpenFrameworks
- Video: what is creative coding [2:59min] - on procedures
- Casey Reas [video]
- Open Processing - share your sketches with others
- Hello World! Processing - documentary on processing
Week 7
10.10 (TUE)
- Illustrator [notes #4]
- Processing 02 (variable, for loops)
- Illustrator: Reference image to vector
- Work on poster project
Read before class:
- Ch4 from "Getting Started with Processing"
- Visions of the Future posters from NASA/JPL
10.12 (THUR)
- Processing 03 (variable, for loops)
- Robot processing code that saves processing drawing to PDF. Editable in Illustrator as vector paths.
- Composition with at least 1000 elements using for loops in Processing. Comment your code with a summary of what your sketch is doing. Export it as a PDF and import into illustrator. Handin before next class
10/14 - 10/22 FALL BREAK
Week 8
10.24 (TUE)
- Discuss Reading [hybrid notes]
- Processing 04 (draw!)
- Make a brush that paints shapes. (eg. a paint brush that paints smily faces).
Read by this class:
- Ch3 159-198 + part of Ch4 p199-219 from Software Takes Command by Lev Manovich
- Ch5 up until p56 from "Getting Started with Processing"
10.26 (THUR)
- Studio work time
Week 9
10.31 (TUE)
- Critique
- Project 2: Poster design in Illustrator: Redesign (both in form and content) of a poster for a famous movie.
  • A successful poster will retain something from the original (eg. reconizable by your classmates as that movie) with your unique contribution
  • A reimagination (eg. shift in time, place, aesthetic - SF into a Western), parody/satire that makes a thoughtful point/critique/homage.
  • Must be in vector/illustrator format.
  • The poster should fit on 13x19 inch paper
11.02 (THUR)
- Cory Arcangel [youtube]. [Everything but the Clouds]
- Processing (ch5 p56 if statements, keys, ch7 media)
- Processing Sketch. Painting program with different modes that are activated by keyboard shortcuts. At least three new features.
For example, key 'e' for eraser, 'r' for reset to reset the drawing area, + or - to change the brush size. You could also make a color selector if you are ambitious (eg. if user clicks in a red rectangle, color turns to red).
Hint: erasing in this case is implemented by painting over with the background color
Read Before class:
- finish Ch5 "Getting Started with Processing"
Week 10
11.07 (TUE)
- Debugging processing [notes]
- Processing (ch11 arrays, ch7 media)
- Work on painting program
Read Before class:
- Ch7, Ch11 "Getting Started with Processing"
- Nick Britz and glitch
- Nick Briz [Copy This Drive] [Glitc\ h code tutorial] [theNewAesthetic.js]
11.09 (THUR)
- Discuss reading
- Processing (functions)
- Create a function that draws a shape (eg. smily face). Submit the complete drawing program into the handin folder
Read before this class:
- In Defense of the Poor Image by Hito Steyerl
- Ch9 Functions "Getting Started with Processing"
Week 11
11.14 (TUE)
- Animation methods [Notes]
- Explore examples. Work on animation
- Hybrid: Look at Face_Mouse.pde
11.16 (THUR)
- Processing (ch10 objects) [object notes]
- Take a look at openprocessing.org for more examples
- Ch10 Objects "Getting Started with Processing"
- If you have time, Ch6 Translate, Rotate, Scale "Getting Started with Processing"
Week 12
11.21 (TUE)
- Libraries & Hybrid (extending processing) [Notes]
- Scope of hybrid: Sound, Video (recorded or live), Image, Text, File, Keyboard/Mouse
- Advanced scope of hybrid: 3D Object, web, physical computing, network, MIDI, devices, alternative interfaces: Joystick/WII controller/kinect/
11.23 (THUR)
Week 13
11.28 (TUE)
- Critique
Project 3: animated sketch in Processing. A moving image that loops (over and over, or back and forth..etc) forever. Think of the temporality of animated GIFs.

The Garden of Emoji Delights by Carla Gannis, GIFS: 10 principles of motion design, Patakk: Paolo Ceric, GIF ART, Erdal Inci (article), computersclub.org, angular geometry, [nicolassassoon(studies, scenes, patterns) youmakemesohappy)], [En plein air by Rick Silva, essay, interview],
- A Birth of a New Medium [video]
- A Short History of the GIF [video]

Video Art (beyond traditional filmic edits):
Douglas Gordon [documentary][play dead][making eyes]

Sampling from processing examples as a starting point/inspiration (you need to develop it further): [sine][sine/cosine][polygons][star][integers floats][array objects][pointillism][linear gradient][distance 1D][sine wave][additive wave][polarcartesian][random][random gaussian][noise 1d][noise wave][millisconds][clock][scale][rotate]
11.30 (THUR)
- Data Visualization [video]
- Data (ch12 data)
- Google Correlate
- loadsavetable example

- Data.gov
- Japanese Earth quake video
Week 14
12.05 (TUE)
Final Project (Critique 12/12 TUE and 12/14 THUR 1-4pm): Hand in sketch (source) as well as exported application.
- Keeping in mind the idea of hybridization in Manovich's text, create a hybrid work using processing.
  • Scope of hybrid: Sound, Video (recorded or live), Image, Text, File, Keyboard/Mouse
  • Advanced scope of hybrid: 3D Object, web, physical computing, network, MIDI, devices, alternative interfaces: Joystick/WII controller/kinect/
- If you are using a library, (especially if you rely on a specific version of processing), you should export it as an application
- If you consider the processing sketch as an early prototype, you may supplement your work with a poster (illustrator+photoshop) that illustrates the vision (concept and design). Similar to how the websites of The Invisible Shapes of Things Past or Voices of Aliveness work but with more focus on the intent of design and concept.
12/12(TUE) & 12/14 (THUR) Final Critique during final exam week same time as class.
C Class............plans for class..subject to change
L Lab............darkroom/lab session
A Assignments......what you should be doing outside of class among other things.
R Readings.........finish reading by.
D Due.............yes, due date.
S Supplementary.....further reading/references/artists discussed in class