Links The ACM Java Task Force home page The ACM JTF student view JavaDoc documentation The Sun JavaDoc for the library classes (version 1.5.0) The Sun Java Tutorial The Eclipse Project The MiniSim applet Turing machine applet Handouts (based on Stanford University CS106a materials, with permission) 01: Overview 02: Laboratory 1 : Eclipse and Karel the Robot 03: Programming Assignment 1: Karel the Robot 04: Submitting Work 04a: Making Eclipse Print Pretty 05: Essential Idioms 06: Laboratory 2: Reading example programs, Assignment 2 07: Programming Assignment 2: Simple Java Programs 08: Control Structures 09: Methods 10: Laboratory 3: Karel redux, commenting, Assignment 2 redux 11: Programming Assignment 3: Breakout 12: Coding Style 13: The Demo Programs in the Assignment 3 Folder 14: Debugging 15: Parameter Problem Set 16: Programming Assignment 4: Hangman 17: The Demo Programs in the Assignment 4 Folder 18: Simple Files 19: MiniSim: A Simple von Neumann Machine 19a: Assembly language programs for MiniSim 20: Machine representation problem set 21: Programming Assignment 5: Yahtzee 22: The demo programs in the Assignment 5 folder 23: Congruent numbers 24: Large prime numbers 25: Computable numbers 26: Programming Assignment 6: NameSurfer Back to my home page | Lectures | Assignments
Handouts (based on Stanford University CS106a materials, with permission) 01: Overview 02: Laboratory 1 : Eclipse and Karel the Robot 03: Programming Assignment 1: Karel the Robot 04: Submitting Work 04a: Making Eclipse Print Pretty 05: Essential Idioms 06: Laboratory 2: Reading example programs, Assignment 2 07: Programming Assignment 2: Simple Java Programs 08: Control Structures 09: Methods 10: Laboratory 3: Karel redux, commenting, Assignment 2 redux 11: Programming Assignment 3: Breakout 12: Coding Style 13: The Demo Programs in the Assignment 3 Folder 14: Debugging 15: Parameter Problem Set 16: Programming Assignment 4: Hangman 17: The Demo Programs in the Assignment 4 Folder 18: Simple Files 19: MiniSim: A Simple von Neumann Machine 19a: Assembly language programs for MiniSim 20: Machine representation problem set 21: Programming Assignment 5: Yahtzee 22: The demo programs in the Assignment 5 folder 23: Congruent numbers 24: Large prime numbers 25: Computable numbers 26: Programming Assignment 6: NameSurfer Back to my home page | Lectures | Assignments
Back to my home page | Lectures | Assignments