Equivariant and motivic homotopy theory

Reed College, May 30-31, 2015

Performing Arts Building 320

Contact Kyle Ormsby or Angélica Osorno with questions.

Thanks to everyone who attended the conference! Notes for the talks are available on the abstracts page, and there are also links to notes in the schedule below. All notes links are to pdf files, and they are coded by the initials of the note-taker. Thanks to Kirsten Wickelgren (KW) and Doug Ravenel (DR) for generously supplying their personal notes.

Quick Links


This conference will focus on the interplay and parallelisms between equivariant and motivic homotopy theory, providing a forum in which researchers can share insights and techniques from both disciplines.



Please register for the conference by filling out the form available at this link. There are no registration fees, but all participants must register for NSF reporting purposes.


Some funding is available to early career researchers. Application for funding is part of the registration form. Funding applications must be received by April 7, 2015.

Schedule and abstracts

All talks will be held in the Performing Arts Building on Reed's campus. (PAB is labelled 20 on this campus map.)

9:00 Coffee and breakfast
9:30-10:30 Mike Hill, Towards the equivariant Dyer-Lashof algebras. [Notes: DR, KW]
11:00-12:00 Igor Kriz, Calculations of "ordinary" RO(G)-graded cohomology over (Z/2)n. [Notes: IK]
12:00-2:00 Lunch
2:00-3:00 Mona Merling, Equivariant algebraic K-theory. [Notes: MM, DR]
3:30-4:30 Aravind Asok, Algebraizing topological vector bundles. [Notes: KW]
9:00 Coffee and breakfast
9:30-10:30 Jeremiah Heller, Endomorphisms of the equivariant motivic sphere. [Notes: DR]
11:00-12:00 Po Hu, Equivariant K-theory of compact Lie groups with involution [Notes: PH]
12:00-2:00 Lunch
2:00-3:00 Bert Guillou, Eta and the structure of motivic Ext. [Notes: DR]
3:30-4:30 Michael Andrews, Non-nilpotent self-maps in motivic and equivariant homotopy theory. [Notes: MA]

Abstracts for all talks are available here.

Lodging and childcare

Participants are eligible for the Reed College rate at any of the hotels listed here. The conference will provide transportation from downtown to campus, so you may want to select a hotel in that area, e.g., the Paramount. Please make reservations early as late May is a popular time to visit Portland.

Reed maintains a website which contains a list of local childcare providers which may prove useful if you are travelling with children.


Close to Reed, there are a number of restaurants on Woodstock Blvd including

This map has these locations and more marked.

Those looking to perambulate near Reed should check out the Reed Canyon, which cuts through campus. If you're downtown or in Northwest Portland, it's easy to access Forest Park, one of the country's largest urban forest reserves, which contains the 30 mile-long Wildwood Trail.

Kyle M. Ormsby