Phil 410 - Constructive approaches to the emergence and evolution of life - Fall 2003
Mark Bedau
Vollum 141
751-7337 |
Office hours
Mon 2:15 - 4:00, Thurs 4:30 - 5:30, or by appointment
Supplemental Readings
- Bedau & Packard, Evolution of evolvability via adaptation of mutation rates
- Bedau, The edge of disorder
- Wilke & Adami, The biology of digital organisms
- Lenski, Ofria, Pennock, & Adami, The evolutionary origin of complex features
- Adami, Ofria, & Collier, Evolution of biological complexity
- Bedau, Downward causation and the autonomy of weak emergence
- Bedau, Weak emergence notes (slides in pdf format)
- Bedau, The creativity of evolution (slides in pdf format)
Artificial Life Software and Exercises
- Conway's Game of Life--MaxLife (Mac OS 9 software, exercises)
- Conway's Game of Life--LifeLab (Mac OS X software)
- Cellular automta (Mathematica notebook)
- Packard's Sensory-Motor Bugs (Mac OS 9)
- Ray's Tierra (Mac OS 9 software, instructions, exercises)
- Avida software and news website (Mac OS X and other formats)