MON/WED 13:10 - 16:00pm [syllabus]
Week 1
9/4 (WED)
  • Introduction to class
  • How the Internet works (1) [Notes]
  • Intro to HTML [Notes]
  • Create your first HTML document and check that it is rendered correctly on two web browsers. If you cannot make it work, we will solve problems next class
Week 2
9/9 (MON)
  • How the Internet works (2) [Notes]
  • Traceroute/UNIX commands [Notes]
  • Assign traceroute exercise (due 9/18 end of day)
  • HTML [Notes]: Intro
  • HTML [Notes]: Styling using HTML
  • Lab: finish by end of class. Turn the following plain text file (recipe for salad) into an HTML file and show it to the instructor. Do not use the <pre> tag (you won't be able to do the CSS/javascript exercises later on)
9/11 (WED)
  • Assign student presentation groups
  • Discuss Readings (submit questions before class via google doc here).
  • My [map] for ch1
  • Nytimes article on "How Russia Took Over Ukraine’s Internet in Occupied Territories"
  • HTML (images, tables, video) [Notes]
    • Lab: finish by end of class
      • Add images and video to the HTML recipe you published last class. At least one image must be on your computer (not linked from another web site). Add this (random) table using the html <table> tag. Do not use the <pre> tag (you wont be able to do the CSS/javascript exercises)
  • Read by this class:
    • Protocol How Control Exists after Decentralization Intro: (p1 - p27), Physical Media (p28 - p53) by Alexander Galloway.
      (Focus on getting big picture for latter half of intro - references to text you may not have read)

    • Submit brief questions you have yourself that you want clarified or formulate a question for the class you think would be a good discussion topic. To do that you can point to sentences in the text, thoughts or ideas that you'd think would be interesting to discuss.
Week 3
9/16 (MON)
  • Lab: finish by end of class
    1. Publish the HTML-ized plain text recipe from last class on the Reed web server. Add at least 3 links to an external site (eg. a link to a recipe for hard-cooked eggs, wikipedia entry for marjoram...etc)
    2. Edit and publish a separate navigation HTML file so that each list item in the navigation file jumps to the appropriate anchor in your recipe HTML file. You should thus have two separate HTML files published; navigation HTML file and the recipe HTML file
    3. See if the main recipe HTML file passes verification.
9/18 (WED)
  • Lab: finish by end of class
    Modify this recipe file (you may use your own if you wish. I am assuming you are using the <h1> tag for the first heading):
    1. With an external style sheet, select the <h1> tag and assign background: yellow; color: red;
    2. With an embedded style sheet, select the <h1> tag and assign color: green; .
    3. With an inline style, select using the <span> tag the first word of the <h1> tag "Fresh", and assign color:blue;. (eg. <span>Fresh</span> Multi-Bean...)
    4. Use the developer tools to confirm that all the style sheets are recognized and observe how the rules are computed. ("Fresh" should be blue, "Multi-Bean..." should be green, and the background for <h1> should be yellow.
  • Read by this class
    • Protocol How Control Exists after Decentralization by Alexander Galloway, "Form" (p55-72) + [optional - part of "Power" (p81-87)]
    • The original vision for hypertext (which is much more expansive than HTML) by Theodor Nelson - from Literary Machines "Proposal for a Universal Electronic Publishing System and Archive" 1981 [PDF]
    • Submit brief questions, and sentences in text, thoughts or ideas that you'd think would be interesting to discuss via google doc
  • Due by end of day
Week 4
9/23 (MON)
  • Discuss traceroute results.
  • Nytimes article on "How Russia Took Over Ukraine’s Internet in Occupied Territories"
  • CSS (2) [Notes]: CSS properties
    • Lab: finish by end of class
    • 1) Download the the following html and image file onto your computer [dml_layout_template.html], [studentwork.jpg].
      2) add CSS to the HTML file so that it is colored like this [dml_layout_color.pdf] using classes/IDs, contextual, combinator selectors.
      FYI: the colors used are, cyan, red, navy, blue, brown, green, olive, orange, purple

      - Do not modify the HTML (no inline style sheet). Only use embedded style sheet where you put the CSS section inside the <head> section. Use what is given and only use CSS selectors
      - Lists have two HTML elements (ol, li). See which ones are controlling the numbering.

      If you have trouble viewing the colors, take a look at this html file with the colors annotated in the files as comments. Talk to the instructor if you need help.
9/25 (WED)
  • Lab: finish by end of class
  • - Based on the CSS file you created from last class (or if you wish, you may start fresh with the following files [dml_layout_template.html], [studentwork.jpg], create a layout using CSS so that the structure of the page looks generally like the following design: [in color] or [in b/w]. You may ignore the color. See [11_content.html] for siimlar layout. Publish html file and send instructor URL.

  • Read by this class
    • Net Art Anthology (High InFidelity) [PDF]
Week 5
9/30 (MON)
  • Studio work time
10/2 (WED)
  • Critique #1
  • Hypertext Art Project Critique [description]. Publish on Reed web server and post URL [here]
Week 6
10/7 (MON)
  • Critque #2
Rafael Rosendaal's websites and website as public art [video].
10/9 (WED)
  • Read by this class
    • Net Art Anthology (Blackness in Circulation: A History of Net Art) [PDF]
  • Lab: finish by end of class
  • Using alert() and prompt(), create a website that converses with the user. Simple starting point [here].
Week 7
10/14 (MON)
  • Discuss Readings (submit questions before class via google doc [here])
  • [Map] of reading
  • Review: different ways of adding Javascript code
  • Javascript (Lesson 2 of textbook part 2 + part of Lesson 3 of textbook) [Notes for Lesson #2 Part2 & part of Notes for Lesson #3] (onclick events, intro to functions)
  • Lab: finish by end of class
  • 1. Create four buttons in HTML with each button labeled with a number like this. Using the onclick event, make all the buttons respond to a click by calling a single function you define like this. Study the code. Now modify the code so that it tells the user which button has been clicked. (Hint: each button when calling the function should use arguments to identify which button it is). If you click button #2, the alert message should say "button #2 was clicked". If button #4 is clicked, the alert message should say "button #4 was clicked".

    2. Study eventhandler03.html and/or eventhandler04.html. You are going to learn something new on your own. innerHTML object represents the HTML content of the DOM object (HTML element) you are working with. So if you are working with a <p> tag, any HTML inside the <p> tag is represented by the innerHTML object. You can read or write to innerHTML thereby dynamically modifying the HTML on the fly. "this" in javascript represents the DOM object you are currently on. (This is a tricky concept!!). So if you write this.innerHTML, it represents the HTML content of the HTML tag/object javascript is working on.
    Using eventhandler03.html and/or eventhandler04.html as a starting point, make a page full of text (many paragraphs) that changes as the user moves their mouse along.

    It is important you understand the difference between document.write() and this.innerHTML
  • Read by this class
    • A Prehistory of the Cloud by Tung-Hui Hu, "Intro" (p.ix - p.xxix), "The Shape of the Network" (p1-35)
    • Submit brief questions, and sentences in text, thoughts or ideas that you'd think would be interesting to discuss via google doc

    • I suggest you read the Javscript textbook Lesson 2, and Lesson 3 by this class
10/16 (WED)
  • Lab: finish by end of class
  • Part 1: Using lab05_onchange_start.html as a starting point, display the value of the text, color, and date inputs into the div area.
    Part 2: Change the background color of the div using the color from the color picker and change the width of the div area using the value from the range slider. (Note that the width has to have a unit, not just a number)
Fall Break Oct 19–27
Week 8
10/28 (MON)
  • Lab: finish by end of class
  • Part 1: Use this file as a starting point. Collect user input using the prompt() function. Truncate the response to the first 20 characters and append "..." (hint: substr()). Display the result in the body of the page in quotes with today's date as follows: [On 10/23 you said "asd asads af asdf as..."].
    Part 2: Position the text randomly within the page using Math.random() and absolute positioning. (Hint: you may have to create a HTML element like <div> that you can position).
  • Read by this class:
    • Net Art Anthology (Now You’re In My Computer: Performing in The Network’s Theater of Visibility) [PDF]
  • List of Javascript Libraries from Wikipedia
  • Smaller Javascript libraries [Magnifier.js][Loreum Ipsum Chat Bot]
  • Much more larger javascript library/packages/framework [some of these may take another semester to learn] -- three.js for 3D, Chart.js for charts, D3.js for Data visualization, Anime.js for animations, React.js for building user interfaces (eg. instagram, Airbnb), svelte more user interface (eg. New York Times, Spotify) vue.js more user interface (eg.Alibaba, Xiaomi), Angular Dev created by Google, framework for building large-scale enterprise-level applications. cleave.js format input content when typing, Choreographer-js complex CSS animations,
  • Figma - UI/UX design tool - itegrates with other Javascript frameworks
10/30 (WED)
  • My [Notes] on batch processing
  • [Map] of readings
  • Discuss Readings (submit questions before class via google doc [here])
  • Javascript Arrays [Notes for Lesson #8]
  • Lab: finish by end of class
  • Using lab08_courses_start.html as a starting point,
    Part 1: Select all the paragraphs as an array and apply random colors similar to the course number/titles.

    Part 2 (take home - email instructor):
    • For each line of code, write a comment above the code, what each line of code in functions create_toc(), createlist(), more_courses() is doing in a low level programming language vocabulary. For those methods you are not familiar with, look it up at w3schools. (You have to learn how to learn!).
    • Above each function, summarize what the function is doing in English
    • On the top of the page, summrize what the whole sequence of code is doing in English.
    Do not describe the behavior you observe from using the code. You are asked to read the code and describe what the code is doing.

    Part 3 (Bonus if you have time): expand the more_courses() function so that the course description can be added
  • Read by this class
    • A Prehistory of the Cloud by Tung-Hui Hu, "Time-sharing and Virtualization" (p37-71)
    • Submit brief questions, and sentences in text, thoughts or ideas that you'd think would be interesting to discuss via google doc
Week 9
11/4 (MON)
  • Lab: send via email by next class
  • Study lab09_eventlocation.html. Using the vocabulary used in the textbook/slides, add a comment for each line explaining what the code is doing. The code works for the most part but there is a bug. See if you can propose a solution. If you read the w3school for mouse event object there is an easy fix. (This may not be a gramamtical error but misunderstanding of the properties within the event object)
11/6 (WED)
    • Lab: finish and submit via email by critique
    • Provide a comment (annotate) each line describing what the javascript in this HTML file is doing. Use precise language and if you do not understand, look it up. Then at the top of the HTML code as comments, explain what the behaviour is in english (describe what the algorithm is effectively doing). This would be a good time to reread the textbook (it will take 2 hours to read lesson 0 - lesson 10, and it will really help you absorb the information).
  • Read by this class
    • Net Art Anthology (If Communication is Commodity) [PDF]
Week 10
11/11 (MON)
  • Read by this class
    • Net Art Anthology (The Post As Medium) [PDF]
11/13 (WED)
  • Discuss Readings (submit questions before class via google doc [here])
  • Read by this class:
    • Protocol How Control Exists after Decentralization "Hacking" (p147-172)
    • Submit brief questions, and sentences in text, thoughts or ideas that you'd think would be interesting to discuss via google doc
Week 11
11/18 (MON)
  • Studio work time
11/20 (WED)
  • Critique Dyanamic Web Art Project using Javascript [submit URL here]
Week 12
11/25 (MON)
  • Critique Dyanamic Web Art Project using Javascript [submit URL here]
11/27 (WED)
  • Brief intro to API and google maps API?
  • No class
Thanksgiving Break 11/28-12/1
Week 13
12/2 (MON)
  • Lab: Make a web page that uses google maps. (Maybe a map of the places significant to you. Your home, your birth place...etc). I suggest you use existing sample files as a starting point. Submit URL by Final Critique [here].
  • Read by this class
    • A Prehistory of the Cloud by Tung-Hui Hu, "Seeing the Cloud of Data" (p111- 144)
    • Submit brief questions, and sentences in text, thoughts or ideas that you would think would be interesting to discuss via google doc
12/4 (WED)
  • Studio work time
Week 14
12/9 (MON)
  • Studio work time


12/16 (MON) 6-9pm
  • Final Critique: submit URL [here]
12/18 (WED) 1-4pm
  • Final Critique: submit URL [here]

C Class............plans for class..subject to change
L Lab............darkroom/lab session
A Assignments......what you should be doing outside of class among other things.
R Readings.........finish reading by.
D Due.............yes, due date.
S Supplementary.....further reading/references/artists discussed in class