Introduction from Protocol by Alexandar Galloway

"If one is to foster an understanding and awareness of how the social and the political are not external to technology, then it is important to understand how the technological is in some sense isomorphic to the social and the political

This book - Protocol - consistently makes a case for a material understanding of technology... This type of materialist media studies shows how the question "how does it work?" is also a question "whom does it work for?" In short, the technical specs matter, ontologically and politically."

Protocol p.xii

Think of other physical 'networks' prior to the Internet

  • Water
  • Gas
  • Electricity
  • Telephone
  • Cable TV
The amazing thing about the Internet is that you can transmit different kinds of data efficiently. Can your water pipes or gas lines do that?
The key to having all these different traffic types on the Internet is... that these are all digital data!

What is Unique about the Internet? (compare to other physical networks)

Internet Traffic

The amazing thing about the Internet is that you can transmit different kinds of data efficiently. Can your water pipes or gas lines do that?
The key to having all these different traffic types on the Internet is... that these are all digital data!

What is the difference between Analog and Digital?


What is the difference between Analog and Digital?

Spinning vinyl under a microscope


of Audio

Why don't we hear the abrupt transitions?

7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 14, 13....
Why don't we hear the abrupt changes?

Text: Movable Type

Willi Heidelbach and Daniel Ullrich

  • Printing press breaks our experience of speech to individuated characters that may represent any phrase or sentence
  • Decentralized church power
  • Set the ground for future technology (photography to the computer) by being modular, comprising a whole from a fragmented elements.

  • Moving pictures: 24 frames, pixels

    If interested, read: "Gramaphone, Film, Typewriter" by Kittler

Notes: From Dani/Kittler "gramophone, film, typewriter" Atomization of the Phonetic Alphabet into movable type { - printing press breaks our experience of speech to individuated characters that may represent any phrase or sentence - decentralized church power - set the ground for future technology (photography to the computer) by being modular, comprising a whole from a fragmented elements. Moving pictures: 24 frames, pixels



Analog vs Digital

What are the properties of ?
  • continuous signal
  • noise -> signal loss and distortion (cannot distinguish between error and data)
  • imperfect copy

What are the properties of ?

The internet is designed as a "digital" network.
  • discrete signal ( 9, 10.2, 12, 14.2, 10.9...etc)

  • magic of mathematics

    • noise/error -> error detection/error correction
      • the sum of all the number I am sending you is X

    • indefinite faithful copies
      • if you detect an error, resend!

    • compression
      • instead of "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", you can say something like "fourty 0s" (much shorter)

Computer Networking 1

You digitize audio, video, text...etc

Computer Networking 2

You get a sequence of binary data.

Computer Networking 3

The computer splits the data in smaller chunks and sends out highs/lows on physical cables.


We now know how computers send out signals to the outside world.

Questions we'd like to think about -- what happens when the message enters the "network"


Remember this?


The Telephone Network


The Telephone Network 2


The Telephone Network 3


The Telephone Network 4


The Telephone Network 5


The Telephone Network 6


The Telephone Network 7


The Telephone Network 8

What does silence on a telephone network sound like?

Internet - Packets

One of the radical idea of the Internet was to split the data into smaller chunks called packets. Internet - Packets One of the radical idea of the Internet was to split the data into smaller chunks called packets. Packet switching, datagrams. ifconfig -a size ofpackets: mtu (in bytes) en0: wired en1: wireless fw0: IPover firewire

Internet - Packets 2

%ifconfig -a 
to look at MTU (packet) size (byte = 8 bits) and available interfaces

Like Navigating the NYC Subway w/o a Map

Midtown station to Broad St station (Brown line)
You are a packet. You know where you are from (SRC) and where you want to go (DST). You don't have the map of the Subway(Internet). -> Small window works. Briefly show where Broad St is. Then move to midtown and ask what they would do.
Some stations, you get off and that is it! Nothing else.
Some stations there are other lines coming in. (Grand Central has the Green line, Purple, Gray).


Navigating packets to its destination is called "routing"

Imagine the subway system with each line (red, blue, brown...etc) independently administered. Each line knows about its own stations and where it connects with other lines.


Routing 2

Looking up routing table using a UNIX command
%netstat -r
Routers know a lot - it's kind of like a station in the Yellow line knowing every station on the yellow line.

The Internet

The Internet is a network of networks, each with different administrative domain

The Reed network is administrated independently of Wikipedia.


What are the strengths/weaknesses of the Internet system as compared from the telephone network?
p11 a telephone network - switching is concentrated and hierarchical. calls go first to a local office, then on to a regional or national switching office if necessary. each user is connected to only one local office and each local office serves a large number of users. Thus destroying a single local office would cut off many users from the network.
small inexpensive lower quality links and compensate for failures
- message switching to packet switching

Characteristics of the Internet

- Resilient
- No central control
- Best effort
- Small inexpensive lower quality links are welcome and are allowed to fail

- Military Effort (ARPA) in a Cold War environment
- Often mentioned as designed to survive a nuclear attack.
- Resilient against physical attacks. Perhaps not so to virtual/cyber attacks.

The Internet (Dec. 1969)

What are the questions one could ask through this diagram?

The Internet (Jun. 1999)


The Internet (2010)

Source: 2010 Map of the Global Internet by Cisco Systems
Notes: find network image of brain, mushroom and others.

The Cloud

from A prehistory of the Cloud (pX)
"situate a network... within the same epistemic space as something that constantly fluctuates and is impossible to know"
A prehistory of the cloud: "situate a network... within the same epistemic space as something that constantly fluctuates and is impossible to know"