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- 1
Tom M. Apostol.
Calculus, volume I.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., second edition, 1967.
- 2
The Works of Archimedes Edited in Modern Notation with
Introductory Chapters by T. L. Heath.
Dover Publications, 195?
QA31 .A692.
- 3
uvres complètes d'archimède. Traduites du grek
en français par Paul Ver Eecke.
Vaillant-Carmanne S. A., 1960.
QA31 .A693 1960.
- 4
Walter William Rouse Ball.
Mathematical Recreations and Essays, rev. by H. S. M.
Macmillan Co., 1947.
QA95 .B17 1939.
- 5
Stefan Banach.
Sur le problème de la mesure.
Fundamenta Mathematicae, 4:7-33, 1923.
- 6
Margaret E. Baron.
The Origins of the Infinitesimal Calculus.
Dover Publications, 1987.
- 7
George Berkeley.
The Works of George Berkeley Bishop of Cloyne Edited by A. A.
Luce and T. E. Jessop.
Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1951.
B1304.L8 1948 v.4 The Analyst appears in volume 4.
- 8
Jacob Bernoulli.
Die Werke Von Jacob Bernoulli, volume 3.
Birkäuser Verlag Basel, 1975.
QA3 B52 1969 v.3.
- 9
Jakob Bernoulli.
Sequences and series.
In D. J. Struik, editor, A Source Book in Mathematics
1200-1800, pages 316-320. Harvard University Press, 1969.
QA21 .S88.
- 10
Errett Bishop.
Schizophrenia in contemporary mathematics.
In Murray Rosenblatt, editor, Errett Bishop: Reflections on Him
and His Research, pages 1-32. American Mathematical Society, 1985.
QA326 .E75 1985.
- 11
Salomon Bochner.
The Role of Mathematics in the Rise of Science.
Princeton University Press, 1966.
QA21 .B6.
- 12
J. M. Borwein, P. B. Borwein, and D. H. Bailey.
Ramanujan, modular equations, and approximations to pi or how to
compute one billion digits of pi.
American Mathematical Monthly, 96:201-219, 1989.
- 13
Carl Benjamin Boyer.
A History of Mathematics.
Princeton University Press, 1985.
QA21 .B767 1985.
- 14
R. Creighton Buck.
Advanced Calculus.
McGraw Hill, third edition, 1978.
QA303 .B917 1978.
- 15
Florian Cajori.
A History of Mathematical Notations(Two volumes bound as one).
Dover Publications, 1993.
QA41 .C32 1993
- 16
Arnold Buffum Chace, editor.
The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus : Free Translation and Commentary
by Arnold Buffum Chace.
Mathematical Association of America, 1927-1929.
Oversize QA30 .P21 v.1 Main Stacks.
- 17
Euclid's Elements Translated with Introduction and Commentary by
Sir Thomas L. Heath (3 volumes).
Dover Publications, 1956.
QA31 .E875 1956.
- 18
Leonard Euler.
Introduction to the Analysis of the Infinite Book I Translated
by John D. Blanton.
Springer-Verlag, 1988.
QA295 .E8413 1988.
- 19
Pierre de Fermat.
Applications of the geometric progression to the quadrature of
parabolas and infinite hyperbolas.
In D. J. Struik, editor, A Source Book in Mathematics
1200-1800, pages 219-222. Harvard University Press, 1969.
QA21 .S88.
- 20
Robert M. French.
The Banach Tarski theorem.
Mathematical Intelligencer, 10:21-28, 1988.
- 21
Galileo Galilei.
Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences, Translated by Henry
Crew & Alfonso de Salvio.
Dover Publications, 1954.
Library has edition published by Macmillan, QC17 .G15.
- 22
Herman H. Goldstine.
A History of Numerical Analysis from the 16th through the 19th
Springer-Verlag, 1977.
QA297 .G64.
- 23
Judith V. Grabiner.
The Origins of Cauchy's Rigorous Calculus.
MIT Press, 1981.
- 24
Felix Hausdorff.
Grundzüge der Mengenlehre.
Chelsea Publishing Company, 1949.
QA248 .H36G.
- 25
Sir Thomas Heath.
Mathematics in Aristotle.
Oxford University Press, 1949.
QA31 A95H4.
- 26
Sir Thomas Heath.
A History of Greek Mathematics, volume 2.
Dover Publications, 1981.
QA22 .H4 1981 v.2.
- 27
George Gheverghese Joseph.
The Crest of the Peacock : Non-European Roots of Mathematics.
I.B. Tauris, 1991.
QA21 .G53 1991.
- 28
H. Jerome Keisler.
The hyperreal line.
In Philip Ehrlich, editor, Real Numbers, Generalizations of the
Reals, and Theories of Continua. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.
QA241 .R34 1994.
- 29
Morris Kline.
Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times.
Oxford University Press, 1972.
QA21 .53.
- 30
Donald Ervin Knuth.
Surreal numbers : How Two Ex-students Turned on to Pure
Mathematics and Found Total Happiness : a mathematical novelette.
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1974.
QA241 .K688.
- 31
Helge von Koch.
Une méthod géometrique Élémentaire pour l'Étude
de certaines questiones de la théorie des courbes planes.
Acta Mathematica, 30:145-174, 1906.
- 32
Joseph D. E. Konhauser.
Mathematics Magazine, 38:45, 1965.
- 33
Gottfried Leibniz.
A new method for maxima and minima as well as tangents, which is
neither impeded by fractional nor irrational quantities, and a remarkable
type of calculus for them.
In D. J. Struik, editor, A Source Book in Mathematics
1200-1800, pages 272-280. Harvard University Press, 1969.
QA21 .S88.
- 34
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.
The Early Mathematical Manuscripts of Leibniz; tr. from the
Latin texts published by Carl Immanuel Gerhardt with critical and historical
notes, by J. M. Child.
The Open Court Publishing Company, 1920.
QA3 .L52E.
- 35
Guillaume François de l'Hôpital.
The analysis of the infinitesimally small.
In D. J. Struik, editor, A Source Book in Mathematics
1200-1800, pages 312-316. Harvard University Press, 1969.
QA21 .S88.
- 36
Kenneth S. Miller and Bertram Ross.
An Introduction to the Fractional Calculus and Fractional
Differential Equations.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1993.
QA 303 .M6813 1993.
- 37
Roger B. Nelsen.
Proofs Without Words.
Mathematical Association of America, 1993.
QA9.54 .N4 1993.
- 38
Otto Neugebauer.
The Exact Sciences in Antiquity.
Dover Publications, 1969.
The Reed math library has an edition published by Brown University
Press, QA22 .N36 1957.
- 39
Bernhard Riemann.
Gesammelte Mathematische Werke.
B. G. Teubner, second edition, 1892.
QA3.R55 W.
- 40
Joseph Fels Ritt.
Integration in Finite Terms; Liouville's Theory of Elementary
Columbia University Press, 1948.
QA308 .R61.
- 41
Maxwell Rosenlicht.
Integration in finite terms.
American Mathematical Monthly, 79:963-972, 1972.
- 42
David Eugene Smith.
History of Mathematics, volume II.
Dover Publications, 1958.
QA21 .S62 1958 v.2.
- 43
David Eugene Smith, editor.
A Source Book in Mathematics.
Dover Publications, 1959.
QA3 .S66 1959.
- 44
Michael Spivak.
Publish or Perish, Inc., second edition, 1980.
Library has first edition QA303 .S78.
- 45
B. L. van der Waerden.
Science Awakening, English translation of Ontwakende
Wetenschap by Arnold Dresden, with additions by the author.
Oxford University Press, 1961.
QA22 .W314 1961.
- 46
François Marie Arouet de Voltaire.
Philosophical dictionary.
In The works of Voltaire : a contemporary version / a critique
& biography by John Morley ; notes by Tobias Smollett ; rev. and modernized
new translations by William F. Fleming and an introduction by Oliver H.G.
Leigh, volume 5,part II. E. R. DuMont, 1901.
PQ2070 1901 v.5.
- 47
Li Yan and Dù Shíràn.
Chinese Mathematics A Concise History translated by John N.
Crossley and Anthony W. -C. Lun.
Oxford University Press, 1987.
Ray Mayer