Math 211: Multivariable calculus I, Spring 2015

Section F01: MTWF 9-9:50am, Physics 122
Section F04: MTWF 12-12:50pm, Library 204

Office Hours: Tu 3-4, Wed 11-12, Th 3-4, Library 313
Math Center: SuMTWTh 7-9pm, Library 387

Textbook: Vector Calculus, 4th ed., by Susan Colley.

syllabusF01.pdf / syllabusF01.tex
syllabusF04.pdf / syllabusF04.tex

Week 1: October 31 - September 4

Homework due Friday

Week 2: September 7 - 11

Homework due Friday

Exercises in [brackets] are rote problems that do not need to be turned in, but which you should be able to do with relative ease. Starred* exercises are bonus problems; they are optional, but everyone is encouraged to attempt them.

Week 3

Homework due Friday

Week 4

Announcement: Our first take-home exam will be distributed during class on Friday of Week 5 (i.e. October 2). It will be due the following Monday (October 5). Week 5's homework set will be accordingly shorter in order to give you time to study and review. For the exam, you will have 3 hours to think about the problems and do scratch work, and 1 hour to write up your solutions.

Homework due Friday

Week 5

Homework due Friday

Week 6

Homework due Friday

This is another relatively light assignment since you just took an exam. In all of the Colley problems, you may assume that the derivative is induced by the Jacobian.

Week 7

Homework due Friday

Enjoy your Fall Break!

Week 8

Homework due Friday

Week 9

Homework due Friday

Week 10

Homework due Friday

Week 11

Homework due Friday

Week 12

We are now embarking on our study of differential equations. Follow this link [pdf] for up-to-date notes on this material.

No homework due this week.

Week 13

Homework due Friday

Week 14

No homework this week.

The LaTeX document preparation system

Poor handwriting? Love escape characters? Too much free time? Try LaTeX!

Kyle M. Ormsby