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Moblog 2004-05 to 2012-05

Not helpful at all
Not helpful at all
Burrito Safety?
Burrito Safety?
Dead End
Dead End
I'm assuming that 'Paulrus' is a combo of 'Paul' and 'The Walrus'
Clerks reference
Clerks reference
Bit of a mixed message, tho.
Hot Pad Hat
Hot Pad Hat
I'm sure it'll be all the rage in a couple of years.
Six-packs are out of control
Six-packs are out of control
I'm all in favor, but a six-pack of Bailey's?
Social Phobia v Healthy
Social Phobia v Healthy
On a U of Chicago bulletin board.
Apparently, Spying on the Bomb...
Apparently, Spying on the Bomb...
...Is a conspiracy theory, according to Powell's.
Office hours cat
Office hours cat
Today, I had one visitor during office hours
Binary Faucet
Binary Faucet
Presentation counts
Presentation counts
Church of Beer
Church of Beer
I'll worship here!
Uh, no, actually
Uh, no, actually
My cyborg points just went up
My cyborg points just went up
Blue Bridge
Blue Bridge
Beware the dino bike
Beware the dino bike
Seen too much
Seen too much
Of this particular sign recently.
Cat on Box
Cat on Box
The Neon Walkway
The Neon Walkway
A pale imitation of the one in Chicago.
BART at 5 AM
BART at 5 AM
Caterpillar attack!
Caterpillar attack!
An open invitation
An open invitation
Clear directions
Clear directions
Foofy drink
Foofy drink
Happy thought of the day
Happy thought of the day
Bad place for bad grammar
Bad place for bad grammar
Cat in a box
Cat in a box
0 bed or free box? The choice is obvious...
Ghettobliss sendoff
Ghettobliss sendoff
Mmm... Drinkin beer out of paper bags in the afternoon