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Moblog 2004-05 to 2012-05

Great parking, BMW...
Great parking, BMW...
Long Way Down
Long Way Down
Lonely Ball
Lonely Ball
Not-So-Unique, unfortunately
Not-So-Unique, unfortunately
A Lotta Boxes
A Lotta Boxes
Professors, on the other hand...
Professors, on the other hand...
A Familiar Scene
A Familiar Scene
Expensive Mistake
Expensive Mistake
Things Your Mother Wouldn't Approve Of #26
Things Your Mother Wouldn't Approve Of #26
JSTOR 4-eva
JSTOR 4-eva
An Appropriate Name
An Appropriate Name
Please Do Not Bother The Conferencees
Please Do Not Bother The Conferencees
A Wooden Curtain has Descended upon our Condo
A Wooden Curtain has Descended upon our Condo
We're hoping for d?©tente in a few days.
No Comment
No Comment
The Problem of Bridges
The Problem of Bridges
Sometimes, ships go under them while you're on them.
Look Out Below
Look Out Below
R2D2 Mailbox
R2D2 Mailbox
That's not a wedding cake...
That's not a wedding cake...
...THIS is a wedding cake.
Mariachi wedding music
Mariachi wedding music
At Teresa's wedding, of course...
The first iPhone photo
The first iPhone photo
Sent from my iPhone
The Last Treo Photo
The Last Treo Photo
Lousy camera = great effects
Lousy camera = great effects
The other day... I saw a bear...
The other day... I saw a bear...
Welcome, Vegetarians...
Welcome, Vegetarians...
My meal is smiling at me
My meal is smiling at me
Official Person to Pressure
Official Person to Pressure