I think I found your problem... Yep, it's plugged up with cat hair. Where could that have come from?
ZZzzzzzzzzz.... Is that really comfortable?
I can order beer by phone?
Evidently they've been having problems
We told you so
Best "Why I'm parked in a red zone" note ever
I reached out and touched the hand of God...
Loafe-ing at 37th and Belmont
As opposed to the non-useful manuals?
White Doggy Xmas
Bike Art
The Birds
So it shall
Super-Sized Me
No fun at all, apparently IMG_0138.JPG
The Anthropomorphized Spoon and Cup IMG_0130.JPG
Shiny shiny IMG_0110.JPG
Mmm... Tuscan Tofu... IMG_0108.JPG
Shadows Shadows
Copilot Copilot
That's Reed, alright...
This is a knife. This is a knife.
Some Pig Some Pig
Tempting Tempting
Danger Seeker Danger Seeker
More than one way to wash a cat More than one way to wash a cat
Unclean and bad for you is in aisle 3. Unclean and bad for you is in aisle 3.