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Moblog 2004-05 to 2012-05

Sea Creatures
Sea Creatures
Warning: highly dangerous.
Actually, no.
Actually, no.
Jellyfish Two
Jellyfish Two
An 'Egg Yolk' Jellyfish.
Jellyfish One
Jellyfish One
Feeding Frenzy
Feeding Frenzy
Don't get between a 300-lb tuna and its lunch.
The Mist
The Mist
Why, exactly, did I rent the convertible to drive around San Fran?
The Bagel. Err, Bagel the Beagle.
Why is it that by driving such a car that one is immediately converted into an offensive driver?
Thank god they didn't put one candle for every year. The ice cream cake would have melted.
Not to be confused with the navery...
Pretty Drive
Pretty Drive
Why I don't mind long trips on the West Coast: Evergreens and misty mountains.
Hang Loose
Hang Loose
BaldFury, returning triumphantly from Hawaii, shares a colorful native gesture with his fellow Oregonians expressing his appreciation for Rockaway Beach.
When did the beach get so dangerous?
Meat breakfast juices... mmm
Corporate ho?
Corporate ho?
Reminds me of my favorite Bitterfilms scene: 'I'm a corporate whore!' 'And how!'
Nouveau t'bridge
Nouveau t'bridge
I don't think a new coat of paint will cover up the years of neglect... Oh well, I don't live there any more (altho I do sneak in to do my laundry)
1984, anyone?
1984, anyone?
Just Harvard graduation, actually. But the big screen is frightening.
Thru a screen darkly
Thru a screen darkly
Lousy camera + bad lighting + screen door = interesting shot
Return of Old Skul
Return of Old Skul
Finally, a presidential candidate we can all get behind.
Fun With Fire
Fun With Fire
Mmm... barbecue... flambe?
The Final Resting Place of the Pee-Bed
The Final Resting Place of the Pee-Bed
It was a toss-up between there and the front yard in order to give it that special 'student ghetto' feel
La vie du chat
La vie du chat
I'd like to sit in the window all day like Jean...
Courtesy or marketing?
Courtesy or marketing?
Does anyone really think this will get people to talk on their phones while not in a theater?