Robert Reynolds
Scanned subway-related items from my own collection and those of others

image: Stockholm Local Transport Authority
Paris Metro sign
Personal Collection:
- Atlanta rail system circa 1988.
- Text (partial) for the above map.
- Barcelona circa 1980; low quality scanned image.
- Beijing (thanks to Allen T. Zagel for providing a color Xerox copy from which this was scanned).
- Allen T. Zagel's photos from the Beijing subway 1, 2, and 3.
- Berlin U-Bahn as of 1977.
- Text (some is legible!) for the above map.
- Berlin much larger and clearer scan as above.
- Text as above, but larger and quite legible.
- Berlin scan of subway map portion of Liniennetz of summer 1977.
- Boston MBTA 1998 pocket map (portion; map provided by John Essick).
- Copenhagen "From Vanløse to Ørestad" (Ørestad Development Corporation).
- Copenhagen 2000 map (Ørestad Development Corporation).
- Glasgow system (map thanks to Andrew and Rachel MacRitchie)
- Glasgow outside of the above map (map thanks to Andrew and Rachel MacRitchie)
- London Underground as of 1977, celebrating the new Heathrow station.
- Text (partial) for the above.
- London June 2000 pocket map and back of the same; map a gift of Anne Baker.
- London 1908 map (London Transport Museum postcard; thanks to Charles Rhyne)
- London 1933 map (London Transport Museum postcard; map by Henry Beck; thanks to Charles Rhyne)
- Madrid (version July 1995; map a gift of Elizabeth Drumm).
- Madrid Metro (above map obverse).
- Mexico City (1.4 MB GIF; thanks to Alison Reynolds for the gift of the official pocket-sized map).
- 500 KB JPG version of the above.
- Reverse of Mexico City pocket map; thanks to Alison Reynolds; 1.3 MB GIF.
- Moscow (Aerostar Moscow Hotel map/ad card; thanks to Dennis and Carole Hoffman)
- Reverse of the above; thanks to Dennis and Carole Hoffman.
- Oslo scan of official paper map provided by Erik Myrvold.
- Oslo rail schedule; part of the paper map above, provided by Erik Myrvold.
- Paris Metro by Galeries Lafayette (1976).
- Paris Autobus by Galeries Lafayette (1976).
- Stade de France access for World Cup (1998; reverse; gift of Bernard Hanquez).
- METRO a la station PRÉ SAINT GERVAIS by Bernard Hanquez (gift of Bernard Hanquez).
- Météor la 14e ligne du métro de Paris (gift of Bernard Hanquez).
- Météor map portion of above only (gift of Bernard Hanquez).
- Bastille and Hôtel de Ville metro stop coffee mugs (thanks to Morgan Mitchell).
- Champs Elysées/Clemenceau and St Germain des Près metro stop coffee mugs (reverse sides of above; thanks to Morgan Mitchell).
- Prague (thanks to Zachary A. Pall for the postcard from which the map was scanned).
- Recife (thanks to Osiel Bonfim for the CBTU folder: METRÔ DO RECIFE: Uma solução para o Transporte Público).
- Recife (thanks to Osiel Bonfim for the Programa CBTU/BIRD EXPANSÃO DO METRÔ DO RECIFE).
- São Paulo (thanks to Osiel Bonfim for São Paulo de Metrô folder and map).
- São Paulo (thanks to Osiel Bonfim for the black/white source map).
- São Paulo (thanks to Osiel Bonfim for the Mapa/Guia Turístico from which the map showing the Metrô in the urban context was taken).
- São Paulo "weekend map"; thanks to Osiel Bonfim.
- Reverse of the "weekend map"; thanks to Osiel Bonfim.
- Shanghai (thanks to Mr. Tan Fu Xing of Shanghai for a color photocopy from which this map was scanned).
- Singapore section of VISA map; Singapore Tourist Promotion Board (gift of Gordon Keane).
- Singapore SMRT pocket map (gift of David Knott and Lee Hunt).
- Reverse of Singapore SMRT pocket map above (gift of Lee Hunt and David Knott).
- Singapore TransitLink Guide 1999 metro and bus reference book (gift of David Knott and Lee Hunt).
- Taipei 2000 pocket maps in English and Chinese and backs of the same, maps a gift of Emilie Raguso.
- Tokyo 2000 (map thanks to Kenneth Lerner)
- Tokyo outside of the above (map thanks to Kenneth Lerner)
David Williams' Collection:
Jeff H. Adams' Collection:
Bernard Hanquez' Collection:
- Paris in 1940; cover of following map (scan a gift of Bernard Hanquez).
- Paris in 1940; M. Hanquez has generously provided the following description:
"The original paper map is 7" 3/4 x 6" 1/4, printed on poor quality "war paper". Metro stations not mentioned on the map were closed (note that
lines 2 and 6 were fully closed). Stations mentioned as "stations-refuges" on the backside were used as shelters during aerial raids by German planes."
- Paris in 1940 (an alternative scan of the map above; scan a gift of Bernard Hanquez).

image: Stockholm Local Transport Authority
Subway Page
© Robert Reynolds