Journal Articles

For more early voting research, visit EVIC's project site
- Vote by Mail and Turnout in Oregon: Revisiting Southwell and Burchett
American Politics Research 40(6). 2012. - When and How to Teach Election Law in the Undergraduate Classroom
St. Louis Law University Law Journal 56(3). 2012. - U.S. Public Opinion on Torture, 2001-2009
With Darius Rejali. PS: Political Science and Politics 43. 2010. - Early Voting Reforms and American Elections
William and Mary Law Review 17(2). 2008. - Convenience Voting
With Eva Galanes-Rosenbaum and Peter Miller. Annual Review of Political Science 11. 2008. - The Psychological and Institutional Determinants of Early Voting »
With Daniel Toffey. Journal of Social Issues 64(3). 2008. - Early Voting and Turnout
With Eva Galanes-Rosenbaum and Peter Miller. PS: Political Science and Politics 40(4). 2007. - Disdaining the Media? Americans' Changing Attitudes Toward the News
With Timothy Cook. Political Communication 24(3). 2007. - The Skeptical American: Revisiting the Meanings of Trust in Government and Confidence in Institutions
With Timothy Cook. Journal of Politics 67(3). 2005. - FDR to Clinton, Mueller to?: A Field Essay on Presidential Approval
With Brian Newman. Political Research Quarterly 56(4). 2003. - Follow the Leader? Presidential Approval, Perceived Presidential Support, and Representatives' Electoral Fortunes »
With Jeffrey Koch, and J. Matthew Wilson. Journal of Politics 65(3). 2003. - History, Heterogeneity, and Presidential Approval: A Modified ARCH Approach
With John Brehm. Electoral Studies 21. 2002. - Concordance and Projection of Representative's Roll Call Votes
With J. Matthew Wilson. Legislative Studies Quarterly XXV. 2000. - Competing Redistricting Plans as Evidence of Political Motives: The North Carolina Case
With J. Matthew Wilson. American Politics Quarterly 27(2). 1999. - Overreporting the Vote in the 1988 Senate Election Study: A Response to Wright
Legislative Studies Quarterly 17(1). 1992. - Constituency, Party, and Representation in Congress
With Benjamin I. Page, Robert Y. Shapiro, and Robert M. Rosenberg. The Public Opinion Quarterly 48(4). 1984.
a complete list can be found on gronke's cv
Books & Chapters
- Trust in Government and in Social Institutions
With James Hicks and Timothy Cook. In Understanding Public Opinion, eds. Norrander and Wilcox. 2009. - From Ballot Box to Mail Box: Early Voting and Turnout
With Eva Galanes-Rosenbaum and Peter Miller. In Democracy in the States: Experiments in Elections Reform, eds. Cain, Tolbert, and Donovan. 2008. - The Electorate, the Campaign, and the Office: Settings, Campaigns, Institutions, and the Vote: A Unified Approach to House and Senate Elections
Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. 2000.
Working Papers & Presentations
- Early Voting in Florida, 2004 (with Ben Bishin, Daniel Stevens, and Eva Galanes-Rosenbaum)
Paper prepared for the Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC. - Ballot Integrity under Oregon's Vote by Mail System »
June 2005. Report prepared for the Commission on Federal Election Reform, Washington DC. - The Institutions-Incumbents Gap: A Reassessment of Institutional Support and Approval for Members of Institutions in American Government
(with Timothy Cook) Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Souther Political Science Association. - Paul Gronke. 2004. "Early Voting Reforms and American Elections." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association.