The paper G-parking functions, acyclic orientations and spanning trees gives a bijection between maximal G-parking functions and acyclic orientations of a graph. A maximal G-parking function is the same as a maximal superstable configuration or a minimal recurrent configuration or a minimal alive configuration.
Experimentally, one sees that the identity configuration for a rectangular grid graph has a large rectangle inside it, however no one has been able to prove this. Here are some computer experiments that would be interesting.
Let be the columns of the reduced Laplacian matrix for a sandpile graph . Define the ideal . From the theory of lattice ideals, we know that the affine toppling ideal, , for is the saturation of by . We also know that for any burning configuration (we will fix the minimal burning configuration).
Consider the sandpile model on a grid. Dhar discovered a way method—called the Bombay trick—by which to count the proportion of recurrent elements that have no sand at a given vertex. The method is described in Height correlations in the Abelian sandpile model and in section 3.7 of Mathematical aspects of the abelian sandpile model. Here is related paper (see page 5).
Investigate how the Riemann-Roch theorem for graphs breaks down for directed graphs. This project would be an expansion of problem 2 from HW 7.
To find the complete linear system of a divisor , one must solve a system of linear inequalities over the integers: . Geometrically, we are translating the Laplacian lattice by , then intersecting with the positive orthant. The elements of the linear system are then just the lattice points inside of a simplex (I think). One could also consider the collection of scripts and consider this set of lattice points.