

Fall Sabbatical

Physics 102: Conference

Physics 202: Modern Physics Lab

Physics 364: Astrophysics

The grand goal of astrophysics is to understand everything beyond Earth's outer atmosphere. In this course, our focus will be a deep understanding of first stars and then galaxies (how do they form, evolve, end?). Towards the end of the semester, we will consider the Universe as a whole, introducing the fascinating physics of cosmology.


Physics 101: Conference

Physics 351: Thermal Physics

What is temperature? How does a gas actually provide pressure? Why does the entropy of an isolated system increase and not decrease? To answer these and many other questions, we need to turn to the statistical mechanics and thermal physics covered in this course.

Physics 102: Conference

Physics 202: Modern Physics Lecture and Lab


Physics 101: Conference

Physics 364: Astrophysics

Physics 102: Conference

Physics 351: Thermal Physics


Physics 2100 (University of Toledo)

Astronomy 2340 (University of Toledo)