Math 365, Spring 2019
Elements of combinatorics



Professor: Zajj Daugherty
Office hours: Mo 3:40–4:40 and We 12:45–1:45 in NAC 6/301.
Class: MoWe 2:00–3:40 in NAC 5/109
Textbook: Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (7th edition), by Kenneth Rosen. [pdf]
Grades: (Click for grading rubric and details on course expectations.)


Week 1
Read Sections 2.1 and 2.2, and the two handouts from the "Writing guide" section below.
Monday: handout, slides, exercises .tex file.
Wednesday: handout, slides, exercises .tex file.
Don't forget you'll need my preamble.tex file if you want to get my .tex files above to compile.
Due Monday 2/4: Email from your preferred email account with subject line "Math 365: Homework 0" and the information below.
Due Wednesday 2/6: Exercises 1–7; and the Writing Exercise. Solutions (.pdf) (.tex)
Quiz Wednesday 2/6: covering sections 2.1 and 2.2. (Solutions)
Week 2
Read Sections 2.3 and 2.4.
Monday: handout, slides, exercises .tex file.
Wednesday: handout, slides, exercises .tex file.
Don't forget you'll need my preamble.tex file if you want to get my .tex files above to compile.
Due Wednesday 2/13: Exercises 8–14; and the Writing Exercise. Solutions (.pdf) (.tex)
Week 3
Read Sections 2.5 and 5.1.
Monday: handout, movie of keynote slides, exercises .tex file.
Wednesday: handout, slides, exercises .tex file.
Quiz Wednesday 2/20: covering sections 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, and 5.1. (Solutions)
Due Wednesday 2/20: Exercises 15–18; and the (last) Writing Exercise. Solutions (.pdf) (.tex)
Week 4
Read Sections 6.1.
Wednesday: handout, slides, exercises .tex file.
Due Wednesday 2/27: Exercises 19–21. Solutions (.pdf) (.tex)
Week 5
Read Sections 6.2—6.4.
Monday: handout, slides, exercises .tex file.
Wednesday: handout, slides, exercises .tex file.
Exam Wednesday 3/6 (RESCHEDULED): covering sections 2.1—2.5, 5.1, and 6.1. (Solutions)
Due Wednesday 3/6: Exercises 22–25. Solutions (.pdf) (.tex)
Week 7
Read Sections 6.5&8.1.
Monday: handout, slides, exercises .tex file.
Wednesday: handout, slides, exercises .tex file.
Extra practice problems: Do all exercises from sections 6.1—6.5 and supplementary exercises.
Answers: Select answers to select supplementary exercises, Solutions to odd numbered exercises.
Due Wednesday 3/20: Exercises 26—30. Solutions (.pdf) (.tex)
Week 8
Read Section 8.2.
Monday: handout, slides, exercises .tex file.
Monday: handout, slides, exercises .tex file.
Quiz Monday 3/25: covering sections 6.1—6.5 and 8.1. (Solutions)
Due Wednesday 3/27: Exercises 31—36. Solutions (.pdf) (.tex)
Week 9
Read Section 8.4.
Monday: handout, slides, exercises .tex file.
Wednesday: worksheet. (Solutions)
Due Wednesday 4/3: Exercises 37—40. Solutions: (.pdf) (.tex)
Week 10
Read Section 8.5, 9.1, and 9.5.
Monday: handout, slides, exercises .tex file.
Wednesday: Exam 2 review problems.
Exam Monday 4/8: sections 6.1 through 8.4 (skipping sections we haven't covered). (Solutions)
Extra credit due Wednesday 5/6: If you got lower than 80% your second exam, you may turn in this extra credit assignment to improve your grade. (.pdf) (.tex)
Week 11
Read Sections 10.1, 10.2.
Wednesday: handout, slides, exercises .tex file.
Due Wednesday 4/17: Exercises 41—48. Solutions (.pdf) (.tex)
Week 12
Read Sections 10.3, 10.4, 10.5.
Monday: handout, slides, exercises .tex file.
Wednesday: handout, slides, exercises .tex file.
Due Wednesday 5/1: Exercises 49—54. Solutions (.pdf) (.tex)
Quiz Wednesday 5/1: covering equivalence relations and sections 10.1—10.4. (Solutions)
Week 13
Read Section 10.8 and Chromatic polynomials.
Monday: handout, slides, exercises .tex file.
Wednesday: handout, slides, exercises .tex file.
Due Friday 5/10: Exercises 55—57. (Turn in in class, under my office door, or by email by 3pm Friday.) Solutions (.pdf) (.tex)
Week 14
Read Section 11.1 and 11.4.
Monday: handout, slides, exercises .tex file.
Wednesday: handout, slides.
Due Wednesday 5/15: Exercises 58—60.
Exam Wednesday 5/15: covering equivalence relations, inclusion/exclusion, all graph theory through Lecture 21.

Writing guide

For the basic requirements of homework write-ups, see writing tips.
Also, see Francis Su's Guidelines for Good Mathematical Writing.

Learning LaTeX

If you are interested in learning to type up your homework using LaTeX (the markup language that all the slides, notes, and homeworks are written in, and that most mathematicians and many engineer, physiscists, etc. use to write math in general), there are lots of great resources out there.
Beginners tutorial:
Compilers: Overleaf allows you to use LaTeX without installing anything on your computer. They also have lots of tutorials and resources. But if you do want to install something to use on your computer, you can find installation packages at
Examples and other resources: To see my code, the LaTeX files for notes and handouts can be found by replacing .pdf with .tex for most of the files above. You'll also need preamble.tex (occasionally updated). You can find another sample on my teaching page, and lots of sample code at The Not So Short guide to LaTeX is linked from my resources page.

Extra details for special homework assignments

Homework 0 info: Email from your preferred email account with subject line "Math 365: Homework 0", including the following information:
(a) What name you like to go by, and how is it pronounced.
(b) What you're majoring in, and why.
(c) What your general long-term goals are.
(d) Something that you're really good at.
(e) A photo or a physical description of yourself to help me put your face and your name together faster. ("That guy who doesn't say anything" won't help me get to know you.)