To William J. Fahey Manvil
North Decota
Billey this is Sunday night and
the night before christmas I wish
ye all a happy christmas also a
happy new year also I hope
Joe is in Manvill to spend
the christmas or new years
I hope he did not go up to
Christal let me know and
also if John Langley came
down and if he got the letter
I sent in care of you for
him if you herd from
Joe let us know also and
how he is we have not herd
from him in over a week
Billey I got your long letter
on yesterday we were glad
to see ye were well mother
got won to so it makes
us some reconciled to
think ye are so well
but still it makes me
think you eant contented
and I think Joe is the same
if Joes elevator should
close and he out of a job
let him come on heir and
take his chance the same
as we did when we came
I think he can get some
thing but let him hold
himself good with the com
pany if he can - I will
also say if you can hold
your plase hold it and
I will try and look around
to see if you could get
something ealse I will
go and see Durant but
not till I hear from you
again if you have anything
that you would like me
to say let me know and
Did you ever rote to him
for I know he rote to you
Billey if there is any thing
you want me to do for
you say in your next
letter - I rote to Mr gilles
last week I have not herd
from him as yet I sent him
the full acount of the note
coming due the first of
next month and for him
to write and let me what
he is done and what he is
going to do there on that
note coming to me 150
Dollers with interest on the
whole amount the other
250 Dollers go to pay the
riley morgage this make
the amount of the note
due for for the past year
I tolt him to send by draft
and I would endorse it on
the note and send it back
to him.
Billey we expect to see you
next summer in Albany
on a visit any how by that
time perhaps some thing
might turn up - try and hold
your own with the company
any how and there might some
thing turn up to take you
back there again so hold
your creted and name good
and all will be well in case
you have to go back I
sepose you will think I
am talking foolish
Billey this is some what lonesome
tis a 11 PM Just now I am
7 nights of the week the same
Saturday and Sunday nights
I have to be there at 5 a clock
the other 5 nights at 6 PM
this night when I left home
at 3 - mother and John were
a little lonesome but I will
be home time a nuff to go
to 7 a clock mas and we take
a great comfort in the church
we have 2 seats in the mean
ile in a nise location
Mother and me genalry go to
7 a clock every Sunday and
John go the 1[0]30 he is very
much interristud in the Sermon
every Sunday & tis consoling
to have such comfort in
going to church it makes
a person so reconciled to
every thing. Mother still
coff She is taking some
thing for it She been toise
to a doctor and he gave
her something for