Instructor: Aki Miyoshi
E-Mail: miyos
at reed
dot edu
Meeting times: TUE & THR 13:40PM-16:30PM
Office hours: WED & FRI 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Schedule (bookmark this page):
Course Description:
The course will examine and experiment with various forms of old and
analog media combined with new and speculative twenty-first-century
media technology to see if they can be productively remade and
integrated into contemporary art practices. Our goal is to
defamiliarize technologies related to optical media by finding
alternative uses, or by revisiting a time when they had not separated
themselves into distinct and different discourses (such as
photography) looking at historical devices, methods, and tools that
shared common aspirations and limitations. Technical, aesthetic, and
conceptual possibilities are explored through studio workshops,
projects, readings, presentations, and critiques. Students must be
highly self-motivated. The courses is designed to give you starting
points but does not prescribe end points.
This course requires an inquisitive mind as our main mode of learning is through experiments.
There are two goals.
The first goal is for us to explore various media for the sake of
exploring. There will be several workshops. Based on the workshops
and readings, you will be asked to share with the class your
discoveries through studio work and research. You will be evaluated on your
discoveries, participation, and contribution.
The final presentation of your work will be evaluated based on
artistic merit and/or depth of inquiry.
Learning Outcome:
After completing this class students will learn to experiment with
different media technologies as part of one's studio practice and
learn to look at them creatively and critically through readings and
experimentation. Students will learn to explore through
experimentation and gain insights into how media technologies work and
discover artistic possibilities.
Students will learn how to analyze and evaluate works
by viewing artworks and through readings and critiques.
Everything counts. Come to class. Participate. Work in
class. Work out of class. Read. Be responsible. Hand in assignments on
time.... Make work. Make work for your self (not for
your instructor). Explore. Think. Thoughtful work is
good. Craft is important.
If you miss a class, you are responsible for catching up by asking
your classmates. If you miss a class when readings are discussed, you
are responsible for sharing your thoughts to the class via
If you miss 4 classes without excuse, expect your grades to be lowered by 1 letter
grade. If you miss 6 classes or more without excuse, you will not pass the class.
Experiments, presentations, and hand-ins are evaluated based
on your effort, quality, and timeliness of the work in this order.
They will contribute towards 2/3 of your grade with
attendance and participation contributing for the remainder.
This class is not designed as a how-to
class. I'll touch on some such as Photoshop because this is going to be useful in
many of the experiments. Paul and I are happy to go over other tools
that we have at our disposal but you'll have to take the initiative to
ask or learn to learn on your own.
I expect you do your best with what you are most comfortable with and
resources available to you.
Class rules:
- Use of computers/mobile-devices during class-time should be limited to activities
relevant to class
- No working during critiques, presentations and discussions. Once critiques start, I will not accept hand-ins until the critique is over.
Equipment Checkout:
You may checkout equipment during
class time, or during the digital media lab
hours (from Digital Media Assistant -- Paul McAllister).
Week 1
Mon - Thu 10 am - noon, 12:30 - 5 pm
Fri 10 am - 2 pm
Week 2+
Mon - Fri 9 am - noon, 12:30 - 5 pm
Printing at the DML:
Submit digital files to be printed at least 24 hours before during DML business hours [
instructions/information]. For academic printing only (please be reasonable).