Representation of color RGB//Hue Saturation Brightness
from wikimedia
r, g, b: (in 8 bit/channel)
255, 0, 0: red
128, 0, 0
64, 0, 0
0, 255, 0: green
0, 128, 0
0, 64, 0
0, 0, 255: blue
0, 0, 128
0, 0, 64
255, 0, 255: magenta
0, 255, 255: cyan
255, 255, 0: yellow
128, 128, 128:
64, 64, 64
0, 0, 0
Hue Saturation Brightnesss
Color picker Hue/Sat tool
Hue selected
Saturation selected
Brightness selected
Hue Sat Adjustment (without masks)
With masks
Targetted Adjustment with ranges
Use the hand tool to select target color
drag hand (sideway): changes the saturation of area
cmd+drag hand: changes hue of area
Notice that when you drag, the dropdown menu automatically goes to the colors (yellows, blues...etc)
Can do everything Levels, Brightness/Contrast, Color balance can, and more. (In the old days, it was said that if you master curves you won't need most of the tools in adjustment menu.
checkout Presets
"S" curve: increases contrast
reverse "S" curve: reduces contrast
Click on image to see where it corresponds on curve.
Option-Click to create point.
Red, Gree, Blue chanels!!
Color mixing/Channels
RGB channel
Open a fully colored image in photoshop
Make sure only the colored original photo is highlighted in the layers panel.
Go to the Channels panel. (To make the thumbnail larger, right click and choose size)
Click and choose one channel to isolate r or g or b
You'll see a b/w image. This is the intesity of red, green, or blue light
White: Value 255 of that colored light
Black: 0 of that colored light
Gray: in between
Cmd-click on b/w image thumbnail on channel to select.
Marching ants only encircle the pixels you are selecting more than 50%. But in fact, you are selecting ALL based on intensity.
White area -- you are selecting 100%, black area you are selecting 0%, and gray in between
With the selection active, go back to layers panel, make Solid Color that matches the color channel you selected
You should have solid color with a mask
Repeat this for red, green, and blue so that you have three solid colors with the mask made from the appropriate channel
Make a black solid color and put it under neath the red green blue layer and turn the original color image off.
Turn the blending mode of the red, green, blue solid color layer to "screen"