Darkroom Printing Procedure Summary
- In the white room:
- Choose a frame to print. Use loupe on lightbox. Check for focus and exposure
- Pickup a negative holder (black circular object with window) that matches the enlarger. Large holder for large enlarger.
Choose the one that matches your film = make sure the window size matches the size of film (35mm).
- Pickup a tray that matches the size of your print (eg. 8.5x11")
- Go into the darkroom and set up on enlarger
- Turn on timer.
- on/off switch is on top right of box.
- dials control time
- large button starts timer when "outlet time" button selected
- "outlet on" or "outlet focus" keeps the enlarger on (so you can focus)
- Turn enlarger on and make sure light covers the whole table
- raise the enlarger head up/down to control the projection size/area
- Check the aperture on the lens on enlarger
- make sure light is bright enough
- make sure light is white. If colored (green, blue, red..etc), disengage filter
- Make contact sheet (do this for every negative sleeve so you have record)
- Make test strip to get exposure (the time appropriate to make contact sheet)
- pickup glass, cardboard
- cut strip of photo paper (approx. 1 inch width) if not in box, leave rest in box for next person.
- place photo paper, negative sleeve so one row aligns with photo paper, and glass on top to keep flat
- set the timer (eg. 1 sec or 2 sec) and cover the negative sleeve with cardboard
- gradually expose the negative (see video) exposing 1/2" ever time
- develop, stop, fix, and rinse with water
- Evaluate and choose exposure time so that the sprocket holes are barely visible. (Here, we are not looking at the images).
Say you chose X seconds.
- Expose whole sheet of paper to make full contact sheet
- place whole sheet of photopaer, negative sleeve, and glass in this order
- expose for X seconds (whatever you decided appropriate from test strip)
- develop, stop, fix, and keep in holding tank (water) until you are ready to wash
- Make enlargement from frame you chose from negative
- Get an easle (optional), grain focuser, sheet of paper to focus on (focusing paper)
- Insert negative into negative holder (black circular)
- Insert negative holder into enlarger
- Place focus paper on easle
- Move the enlarger head to change size of projected image
- Turn focus knob on enlarger to focus (use grain focuser
to make sure it is focused). I suggest you use the largest
aperture (brightest) when focusing. (Do not print with the largest aperture to avoid corners being out of focus)
- once focused make test strip for frame
- dial back aperture few stops so that it is not at the largest/brightest (increase area in focus)
- place strip of photopaper and expose in strips of 1/2" using cardboard using 1 or 2 second increments
- develop, stop, fix, and rinse test strip
- evaluate test strip and get correct exposure time
(note: this time is most likely NOT the same as the time you used
for the contact sheet!!!)
- Using the exposure time obtained from test strip, exposuse full paper to make full print
- keep notes on back of print (f-stop, exposure time)
- after develop, stop, fix, keep in holding tray (water)
- After making multiple prints and when done for the day
- wash the prints in batch in hypo clear
- wash the prints in the archival washer
- squeegee the prints and place prints on drying rack