R: Brief Reference Page |
command | function | notes/examples |
Miscellaneous | ||
q( ) | quit R | |
<- | assignment | x <- 17 |
= | assignment | x = 17 |
help( ) | ask for help | help(q) or ?q: help on the quit function |
help.start( ) | help browser | |
data( ) | R internal datasets | data(co2): atmospheric co2 dataset |
Managing Data | ||
ls( ) | list objects in workspace | ls(pat="^O"): list objects beginning with "O" ls(pat="O") : list object names including an "O" |
rm( ) | remove objects from workspace | rm("X") |
attach(DF) | add the data frame DF to search list | |
detach(DF) | remove data frame DF from search list | |
dim(DF) | dimensions of matrix or dataframe DF | |
names(DF) | column names of dataframe DF | |
dimnames(DF) | row and column names of DF | |
DF[1, ] | first row of DF | |
DF[ ,2] | second column of DF | |
DF[ ,"X"] | column of DF named "X" | |
length(x) | length of the vector x | |
sort( ) | sort a dataset | default is ascending order |
factor( ) | convert data to factor | factor(x,levels=...,labels=...) |
merge( ) | join two data frames | see help file for details and examples |
Basic Statistics | ||
mean( ) | sample mean | see also: weighted.mean( ) |
median( ) | sample median | |
sd( ) | sample standard deviation | |
var( ) | sample variance | |
max( ) | maximum | |
min( ) | minimum | |
quantile( ) | sample quantiles | quantile(x,c(.1,.25,.5,.75,.9)) #a five-number summary of x |
rank( ) | sample rank | |
tabulate( ) | count entries | x =rep(1:5,c(2,2,4,3,6)) tabulate(x) |
apply() | apply a function to a data frame | apply(X,1,sum): sum the rows of X apply(X,2,sum): sum the columns of X |
Hypothesis Tests | ||
binom.test( ) | exact test for binomial proportions | |
prop.test( ) | large sample test for binomial proportions | |
power.prop.test( ) | large sample binomial power computations | |
t.test( ) | t test | t.test(x,mu=0): one sample t test t.test(x,y,var.equal=TRUE): two sample t test, equal variances t.test(x,y,paired=TRUE): paired sample t test |
power.t.test( ) | t test power computations | |
aov( ) | analysis of variance | aov(y ~ A, data=DF) |
power.anova.test( ) | analysis of variance power computations | |
wilcox.test( ) | Wilcoxon rank tests | non-parametric analogs of the t test |
fisher.test( ) | Fisher's exact test | |
ks.test( ) | Kolmogorov-Smirnov test | |
shapiro.test( ) | Shapiro-Wilk test for normality | |
Statistical Models | ||
lm( ) | linear models (regression) | lm(y ~ x, data=DF) |
nls( ) | non-linear least squares | |
glm( ) | generalized linear model | |
summary( ) | model summary | summary(lm(y ~ x, data=DF)) |
Graphics | ||
plot( ) | scatterplots | plot(x,y) or plot(y ~ x) |
identify( ) | interactive identification of points | plot(x,y) identify(x,y) |
abline( ) | add line to scatterplot | abline(a,b) add the line with intercept a and slope b |
qqplot( ) | quantile-quantile plots | qqplot(x,y) |
qqnorm( ) | normal quantile plots | qqnorm(x); qqline(x) |
Input/Output | ||
scan( ) | read a vector of data | scan("myfile"): read the data stored as plain text in "myfile" |
read.table( ) | read plain text tabular data | read.table("myfile",header=TRUE) |
write.table( ) | write a dataframe to a plain text file | you may need to set the working directory first |
data.entry( ) | spreadsheet data entry | data.entry(x,y): datasets x and y must already exist |