Lab 1: Getting Started With R |
Here are some examples of basic R commands that you will find useful. Try typing them into an R command window (each command followed by Enter/Return). If you get an error message of the form "Error: Object not found", it may be because you skipped an earlier example which created the object, or because you mis-spelled the name of the object. Object names in R are case sensitive: x is not the same as X. Names must start with a letter, but can include numbers, ".", and "_".
It is helpful to create datasets with informative names: "FluDeaths" rather than "fd".
n <- 1:10 # integer sequences n x <- seq(1,2,.1) # other sequences x # direct data entry z <- c(2.3, 1.2, 4.4, 4.7, -1.2, 6.3) z u <- runif(10) # generate 10 random numbers in (0,1). u y <- n+z # add two datasets to create a third y Colors <- c("red", "orange", "yellow", "green","blue", "violet") Colors MoreColors <- rep(Colors,3) # repeated values MoreColors
1+1 3^2 8*2-3^2R has the standard mathematical functions:
sqrt(81) cos(pi) # pi is an R constant log(10) # natural log log(1) exp(log(1))
Colors Colors[2] # case selection by subscript Colors[c(1,3,5)] # case selection by logical comparison N <- 1:20 N > 10 N[N > 10] which(MoreColors == "blue")
N <- 1:10 N 2*N N^2
help(mean) # ask for help!! ?median u <- runif(10) u sort(u) mean(u) median(u) max(u) min(u) sum(u)
test=function(a,b) # start of function definition { # body of the function a^2-b^2 # the last command is the value returned } # end of function is here test(3,2) test(3,0) test(0,2)For the CS crowd, here's an example of recursion:
Fact <- function(n) { if(n < 0) stop("n must be non-negative") if(n == 0) return(1) n*Fact(n-1) } Fact(4) Fact(-1) # # what's happening here? Fact(3/2)
x <- rnorm(50) y <- x + rnorm(50)/3 hist(x,col="yellow") plot(x,y,pch=19,col="blue")
help(data) data() data(co2) help(co2) plot(co2) # plot the time-series plot(co2,col="red")
MyDataFrame <- read.table("~/Desktop/MyData.dat",header=T)
FL <- read.csv("")
x <- seq(1,2,.2) x # numeric a <- c("a","a","b","b","c","c") a # character data b <- factor(a) b # factor: a coded categorical dataset X <- data.frame(x,b) X # data frame: a table of data # rows are cases, columns are variables X[1,] X[,1] X[X[,2] == "a",] # select the rows for which column 2 is "a"
FL <- read.csv("") names(FL) plot(Buchanan~Bush,data=FL,pch=19) # or with(FL,plot(Bush,Buchanan,pch=19,col="blue")) # or attach(FL) plot(Bush,Buchanan,pch=19,col="blue") identify(Bush,Buchanan,row.names(FL)) # click on points! "esc" to exit ### log scale plot(log(Buchanan)~log(Bush),data=FL,pch=19,col="darkgreen") title("Florida 2000 by County") FL.lm <- lm(log(Buchanan)~log(Bush),data=FL) abline(coef(FL.lm),col="red",lwd=2) which(row.names(FL)=="PalmBeach") symbols(log(Bush)[50],log(Buchanan)[50],circles=.2, inches=FALSE,add=TRUE)