Ballot data
- Tech: voting technology
- Datavote = Datavote punch card system
- Hand = manual tabulation
- Lever = lever machine, Datavote tabulation
- OPTC = optical ballot, central tabulation
- OPTP = optical ballot, precinct tabulation
- Votomatic = Votomatic punch card ballot
- Layout:
0: for simple (one column, one page list of presidential
1: for complex (two column, two page, butterfly)
- under: number of undervote ballots
- over: number of overvote ballots
- Votes: votes counted, not including absentee
- CertVote: official total including absentee ballots
- Ballots: Votes+under+over
- Votes for presidential candidates:
Bush (Rep),
Gore (Dem),
Browne (Lib), Nader (Grn), Harris (SWP), Hagelin (NLaw),
Buchanan (Ref), McReynolds (SP-USA), Phillips (Const),
Moorehead (WW), Chote (Write in),
McCarthy (Write in)
- socio-economic data:
- PctBlack: Percent black
- PctHisp: Percent hispanic
- Pct65: Percent over age 65
- Poverty: Percent below poverty level
- Unemp: unemployment rate
- PctColGrad: Percent college graduates
- PctHS: Percent high school graduates
- MedHHInc: 1999 estimated median household income
Note This is a large file. Rather than using copy and paste approach
to loading it into your R session, try:
FL <- read.csv("")
Sources: Vote counts and totals from the Florida dept. of elections.
Voting machine/tabulation method from the Florida department of elections,
socio-economic data from the Census bureau.
Under/over vote counts from the NORC election
project tabulated by
Brett Presnell
Ballot layout from Brett Presnell and the
ballot images archive.