Enter two datasets containing the probabilities for two
probabilitiy distributions. Chist draws the two overlaid
"CHist" <- function(P0, P1, col=c("blue","red"),lwd=2) { # P0 and, if present, P1 are vectors of probabilities Pr(X=0:n) m = max(P0) m=max(c(m,P1)) n = length(P1) if(length(P0) != n) stop("Probability vectors must be same length") x = 0:(n+1) Y0 = c(0,P0,0) Y1 = c(0,P1,0) yl = c(0,m*1.1) plot(x-.5,Y0,xlim=c(-.5,n+.5),type="s",xlab="Outcome", ylab="Probability",ylim=yl,col=col[1],lwd=lwd) X0 = x-.5 X1 = x + .5 segments(X0,0,X0,Y0,col=col[1],lwd=lwd) segments(X1,0,X1,Y0,col=col[1],lwd=lwd) abline(h=0) lines(x-.5,Y1,type="s",lty=2,col=col[2],lwd=lwd) segments(X0,0,X0,Y1,col=col[2],lty=2,lwd=lwd) segments(X1,0,X1,Y1,col=col[2],lty=2,lwd=lwd) }