Past Projects for Mathematics 361

  • Factorization of Ideals in a Number Ring, by Jack Barker
  • Elliptic Curves and Rational Solutions to y^2=x^3+k, by Brett Beutell
  • Modular Forms, Bernoulli Numbers, and Ramanujan's Tau Function, by Skye Binegar
  • Primality Certification With Elliptic Curves, by Ben Black
  • QR Codes, by Henry Blanchette
  • Gauss' Class Number Problems and the Determination of Imaginary Quadratic Fields With Class Number One, by Maxine Calle
  • LLL Reduction and Poor-Yuen Reduction, by Cole Campton
  • The Artin Symbol and Abelian Polynomials, by David Carlip
  • Finiteness of Ideal Class Groups Via Minkowski Theory, by Max Carpenter
  • Glimpse of the Proof of the Prime Number Theorem, by Victor Chen
  • Stirling Numbers and Poly-Bernoulli Numbers, by Xinling Chen
  • Gauss' Class Number Problem, the Heegner Numbers, and Euler's Lucky Numbers, by Chloe Cornell
  • Real Quadratic Fields and Pell's Equation, by Charlie Delano
  • An Introduction to Modular Forms and Their Number Theoretic Significance, by Max Del Giudice
  • Additive Combinators, by June Duvivier
  • Chains: p-adic Numbers, Newton-Hensel, Newton Polygon, by Yuan Fang
  • The Analytic Continuation of L(E,s), by Emma Furth
  • The Reed-Solomon Code's Application in QR Codes, by Ashvin Ganesan
  • Hadamard Factorization of the Euler-Riemann Zeta Function, by Forrest Glebe
  • Pell's Equation, by Evan Griggs
  • Absolute Values and the Hasse-Minkowski Theorenm, by Julian Haft
  • The Genus of X_0(p), by Daniel Herman
  • Unique Factorization of Ideals in Number Rings, by Austin Humphrey
  • Complementary Sequences, by Benjamin Hunter
  • Some Factorization Algorithms, by Palak Jain
  • Hilbert's Theorem 90 and a Glimpse At Group Cohomology, by Sam Johnston
  • The Zeros of the Euler-Riemann Zeta Function, by Zeki Kazan
  • The p-adic Numbers and the p-adic L-function, by Chris Keane
  • The Eisenstein Reciprocity Law, by Mason Kennedy
  • Unique Factorization of Ideals and the Dedekind Zeta Function, by Jesse Kim
  • Elliptic Curves Over Finite Fields, by Mason Koch
  • The Hasse-Minkowski Theorem, by Aron Kunofsky
  • Construction of the Adeles, by Mikhail Lepilov
  • The Hasse-Minkowski Theorem, by Astrid Lilly
  • Primitive Root-Producing Quadratics, by Henry Lindeman
  • Gaussian Integers, by Will Lum
  • The Frobenius Automorphism, by Laura Lyman
  • Cubic Surfaces and the Brauer-Manin Obstruction, by Ethan MacBrough
  • The Utility of Characterizing Properties, by Florian Meister
  • History of AES Encryption, by Quinn Morgan
  • Fermat Numbers and Select Properties, by Xavier Nason
  • The Twin Primes Conjecture, by Nicole Niesen
  • Elliptic Curves, Finite Fields, and Factorization, by Maxim Novak
  • Primality Tests and Applications in Cryptography, by Julia O'Beirne
  • Algebraic Number Fields Through General Algebraic Extensions, by Sean O'Donnell
  • A Brief Introduction to Modular Forms, by Blaze Okonogi-Neth
  • Mode-locking in Nonlinear Coupled Oscillations, by Ivy Queen
  • Linear Representations, Characters, and Dn, by Benjamin Schloesser
  • Dirichlet's Unit Theorem, by Mark Schultz
  • Number Theory in Error Detection Schemes, by Adam Snelling
  • On Perfect Numbers and the Euclid-Euler Theorem, by Ava Sorgman
  • An Introduction to Modular Forms, by Peihua Su
  • A Discussion of Frye's Algorithm For Biquadratic Counterexamples to Euler's Conjecture, by Matyas Szabo
  • Mordell's Theorem, by Darko Trifunovski
  • Elliptic Curves, by Mark Walth
  • Pseudoprimes, Carmichael Numbers, and Fermat Factorization, by Daniel Wang
  • The Eisenstein Reciprocity Law, by Sharon Wang
  • Crash Course in Adelic Analysis, by Andrew Warren
  • Algebraic Introduction to the p-adic, by Riley Waugh
  • The Group Law of an Elliptic Curve, by Sara Weinstein
  • Properties of the Eisenstein Integer Ring, by Grayson White
  • Reed-Solomon Code in QR Code, by Louise Xu
  • Modular Forms and Elliptic Curves, by Lixing Yi
  • Rational Points on Elliptic Curves, by Kuai Yu
  • Hilbert's Theorem 90 and Group Cohomology, by George Zhao

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