Lectures for Mathematics 202 F01, Fall 2024-25

  • M 9/2: Labor Day holiday
  • T 9/3: Overview
  • W 9/4: 2.1-Euclidean space algebra, 2.2-Euclidean space geometry (Optional preface exercises due)
  • F 9/6: 2.2-Euclidean space geometry, start 2.3-Euclidean space analysis, (2.1, 2.2 exercises due)

  • M 9/9: More 2.3-Euclidean space analysis
  • T 9/10: Go over homework (2.2, 2.3 exercises due), 2.4-Euclidean space topology
  • W 9/11: 2.4-Euclidean space topology
  • F 9/13: [Add/section-change deadline] Go over homework (2.3, 2.4 exercises due) (Chapter 2 quiz out)

  • M 9/16: 3.8-Determinant and volume, 3.9-Determinant and orientation (Chapter 2 quiz due at classtime)
  • T 9/17: 3.10-Cross product, lines and planes in 3-space
  • W 9/18: 4.1-Symbol-pattern breakown, start 4.2-Bachmann-Landau scheme (3.8, 3.9 exercises won't be collected)
  • F 9/20: Go over homework (3.10 exercises due), more 4.2-Bachmann-Landau scheme

  • M 9/23: 4.3-Definition of multivariable derivative, start 4.4-Basic results
  • T 9/24: Go over homework (4.2 exercises due), more 4.4-Basic results, normalized chain rule
  • W 9/25: Finish 4.4-General Chain rule, product and quotient rules for scalar-valued functions, start 4.5-Calculating the derivative: define partial derivative, state the necessity theorem
  • F 9/27: 4.5-Necessity theorem, chain rule in coordinates, go over homework (4.3, 4.4 exercises due)

  • M 9/30: 4.5-Chain rule in coordinates, sufficiency theorem
  • T 10/1: Go over homework (4.5 exercises due), 4.6-Higher-order derivatives, polar Laplacian
  • W 10/2: Start 4.7-Extreme values
  • F 10/4: Go over homework (4.6 exercises due)

  • M 10/7: [No-W drop deadline] Finish 4.7-Extreme values, start 4.8-Directional derivative and gradient
  • T 10/8: More 4.8-Directional derivative and gradient, go over homework (4.7 exercises due)
  • W 10/9: Finish 4.8-Directional derivative and gradient, preview quiz
  • F 10/11: Start 6.1-Integration machinery Go over homework (4.8 exercises due) (Chapter 4 quiz out)

  • M 10/14: Finish 6.1-Integration machinery, 6.2-Definition of the integral, start 6.3-Continuity and integrability (Chapter 4 quiz due at classtime)
  • T 10/15: Finish 6.3-Continuity and integrability
  • W 10/16: Go over homework (6.1, 6.2 exercises due), 6.4-Integration of functions of one variable
  • F 10/18: Go over homework (6.2, 6.3 exercises due)

  • Fall break week

  • M 10/28: 6.5-Integration over nonboxes
  • T 10/29: Go over homework (6.3, 6.5 exercises due)
  • W 10/30: 6.6-Fubini's theorem
  • F 11/1: 6.7-Fubini's theorem Go over homework (6.6 exercises due) (Chapter 6a quiz out)

  • M 11/4: 6.7-Change of variable theorem (Chapter 6a quiz due at classtime)
  • T 10/5: 6.7-Change of variable theorem
  • W 11/6: Go over homework (6.6 exercises due)
  • F 11/8: Go over homework (6.7 exercises due), 9.1-Definition of k-surface in n-space

  • M 11/11: [Withdraw/leave deadline] 9.3-Differential forms syntactically and operationally, start 9-4-One-forms
  • T 11/12: Go over homework (6.7 exercises due)
  • W 11/13: Finish 9.4-One-forms, 9.5-Two-forms
  • F 11/15: Go over homework (9.3, 9.4 exercises due), 9.6-Basic properties, 9.7-multiplication (Chapter 6b quiz out)

  • M 11/18: 9.8-Differentiation of differential forms, start 9.9-Pullback of differential forms (Chapter 6b quiz due at classtime)
  • T 11/19: More 9.9-Pullback of differential forms
  • W 11/20: Go over homework (9.5, 9.7 exercises due), finish 9.9-Pullback of differential forms
  • F 11/22: Go over homework (9.8 exercises due), 9.10-Change of variable for differential forms

  • M 11/25: 9.11-Closed forms, exact forms, and homotopy
  • T 11/26: 9.12-Cubes and chains, 9.13-The boundary operator
  • W 11/27: 9.14-Small general FTIC example, go over homework (9.9, 9.10 exercises due)
  • F 11/29: Thanksgiving holiday

  • M 12/2: 9.14-The general FTIC, 9.16-Green's theorem
  • T 12/3: Go over homework (9.13 exercises due), 9.16-state Stokes' and Gauss' theorems
  • W 12/4: 9-16-Examples of Stokes', Gauss' theorems, start Maxwell's equations
  • F 12/6: Go over homework (9.14 exercises due), finish Maxwell's equations

  • M 12/9: Discuss 9.11 exercises, course evaluations
  • T 12/10: No meeting (college on Thursday schedule)
  • W 12/11: Go over homework (9.16 exercises due) (Chapter 9 quiz out, due Tuesday 12/17 noon)

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