Lectures for Mathematics 111 F01, Fall 2024-25

  • M 9/2: Labor Day
  • T 9/3: Preview, start 1.1
  • W 9/4: Finish 1.1, start 1.2
  • F 9/6: Finish 1.2, start 1.3 go over homework (1.1 exercises due)

  • M 9/9: Finish 1.3
  • T 9/10: Start chapter 2, go over homework (1.2 exercises due)
  • W 9/11: The rational power function, its increasing/decreasing behavior
  • F 9/13: [Add/section-change deadline] Go over homework (1.3 exercises due) (first quiz out, due Monday at classtime)

  • M 9/16: Cover 2.3: integrate x^{2/3} from 1 to 8
  • T 9/17: Discuss 2.4, start 2.5
  • W 9/18: Go over homework (2.1,2.2 exercises due), finish 2.5, preview homework
  • (First quiz optional redo due Thursday, 9/19 at 5pm)
  • F 9/20: Go over homework (2.3 exercises due), skim 3.1

  • M 9/23: Discuss 3.1, skim absolute value and strong approximation
  • T 9/24: Definition of sequence limit, five basic sequence limits, go over homework (2.4, 2.5 exercises due)
  • W 9/25: Example divergent sequences, index-shift irrelevance, uniqueness of limit
  • F 9/27: Generative sequence rules, go over homework (3.2 exercises due)

  • M 9/30: Geometric series, Inequality Rule, Squeeze Rule, start integrability
  • T 10/1: Definition of integrability, bootstrap result, go over homework (more 3.2 exercises due)
  • W 10/2: Piecewise monotonic functions, other functions, generative integral rules
  • F 10/4: Finish chapter 3, go over homework (3.3 exercises due) (second quiz out, due Monday at classtime)

  • M 10/7: [No-W drop deadline] Start chapter 4, basic and generative function limits
  • T 10/8: Continue through 4.2
  • W 10/9: Various shapes of the power function, skim Chain Rule, preview homework
  • (Second quiz optional redo due Thursday, 10/7 at 5pm)
  • F 10/11: Start chapter 5: basic property of the logarithm, go over homework (4.2 exercises due)

  • M 10/14: Logarithm properties, logarithmic growth; derivative of the logarithm
  • T 10/15: Integral of the logarithm, go over homework (5.1 exercises due)
  • W 10/16: Signed integration; area between curves
  • F 10/18: Go over homework (5.2,5.3,5.4 exercises due)

    Fall break week

  • M 10/28: Start chapter 6: continuity, Intermediate Value Theorem, nth roots, e
  • T 10/29: Definition of exp, properties, raising to real powers (5.5 exercises not collected)
  • W 10/30: Exponential growth, derivative of exp, integral of exp
  • F 11/1: Exp as limit of powers, compound interest, go over homework (6.1,6.2 exercises due)

  • M 11/4: Start chapter 7: definition of cosine and sine, basic identities
  • T 11/5: More trig identities, derivative of sine and cosine at 0, go over homework (6.4,6.6 exercises due)
  • W 11/6: Derivative of cosine and sine, integral of cosine and sine, other trigonometric functions
  • F 11/8: Integrate and differentiate arccos, go over homework (7.3,7.4 exercises due)

  • M 11/11: [Withdraw/CR-NC/leave deadline] Start chapter 9, extreme value theorem, optimization story-problems
  • T 11/12: Finish optimization story-problems, go over homework (7.5,7.6,7.7 exercises due), start optimization
  • W 11/13: Mean value theorem and its consequences
  • F 11/15: Binomial theorem, go over homework (9.1 exercises due) (third quiz out, due Monday at classtime)

  • M 11/18: Skim curve-sketching, cover related rates
  • T 11/19: Work on 9.1, 9.2 homework
  • W 11/20: Start 10.1: indefinite integrals, antiderivatives, if one i.i. is also an a.d. then every a.d. is an i.i.
  • (Third quiz optional redo due Thursday, 11/11 at 5pm)
  • F 11/22: Reiterate from Wednesday, prove FTIC1 and FTIC2 follows go over homework (9.1,9.2 exercises due)

  • M 11/25: 10.1 wrapup, 10.2 basic antidifferentiation, start 10.3 forward substitution
  • T 11/26: Finish 10.3 forward substitution, go over homework (9.4,10.1 exercises due)
  • W 11/27: Lotka-Volterra predator-prey equations
  • F 11/29: Thanksgiving Holiday

  • M 12/2: 10.4 inverse substitution, including integrals
  • T 12/3: Finish 10.4 inverse substitution, go over homework (10.3 exercises due)
  • W 12/4: 10.5 antidifferentiation by parts
  • F 12/6: Taylor's theorem: x^n/n!->0, statement of theorem, exp, ln (10.4 exercises due)

  • M 12/9: Taylor's theorem (10.5 exercises due)
  • T 12/10: No meeting (college on Thursday schedule)
  • W 12/11: Course evaluations (fourth quiz out, due Monday 12/16 at 7pm)

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