respectfully i can’t think about you or talk to you any longer or i will go insane. you’re a liar and i can’t keep hoping things will be different when they aren’t. i don’t trust you and i’m scared i cant now. why did you lie when i asked you about connie. i’m not an idiot and it’s not like i don’t actively care about you enough to not check in. i don’t understand why you felt the need to hide her birthday, spring break, and even the playlist. when i texted you why barcelona was a bad idea i thought maybe i'd understand what you had to say but you took no accountability and that’s why it was so hard to respond to you. you said to not confuse us not talking with being sneaky and hiding things when in reality that’s what it was. we were still somewhat talking and you sent me digital messages with your friends in it or you talked about them and you never once brought up connie. i didn’t really engage with the conversation then because you were obviously hiding it and i was hurt. i can’t believe she didn’t know about us for so long as if i was nothing to you… "connie was also free so we just went together. honestly, the trip didn’t go that well but regardless" this is all you said. i didn’t want to argue you with you anymore past that text because it frustrated me how much you didn’t understand the zoe situation was being repeated. i don’t think you’d hide something unless it actually meant anything to you which zoe did (since u actually saw something with her and you lied about too) and i’m assuming connie does as well. i tried so many times to draft something but i was so hurt i didn’t know what to do because i didn’t want to fight with you anymore. "almost everything i have done in the past two years has been with what you want in mind, including hiding things from you."" because that is exactly what i’d want… for you to hide things from me (when in reality the only thing I’ve asked of you is to be honest with me :( i hope you’re happy with her. i think i would quite literally shatter if i ever saw anything related to you anywhere so i have to block you i really hope you understand because my heart hurts too much and i can’t bear it anymore and i don’t know what to do.