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WMD Proliferation
Nonproliferation Implications of the Spread of Emerging Technologies, H-Diplo|RJISSF Policy Roundtable III-3: Nuclear Nonproliferation and Emerging Technologies, forthcoming 2025
Ceci n’est pas une nuke? The impact of emerging militarised technologies on strategic stability (with Amy J. Nelson), Journal of Strategic Studies (January 2025): 1–29.
Whence the Nuclear Taboo? (with Charli Carpenter), International Studies Review 23, no.3 (September 2021): 1089–1092.
Breaking Bad? How Survey Experiments Prime Americans for War Crimes (with Charli Carpenter and Alexandria Nylen), Perspectives on Politics 19, no.3 (September 2021): 912-924.
The Rise of the Futurists: The Perils of Predicting with Futurethink (with Amy J. Nelson), Report (November 2020).
The Stopping Power of Norms: Saturation Bombing, Civilian Immunity, and U.S. Attitudes Toward the Laws of War (with Charli Carpenter), International Security 45, no.2 (Fall 2020): 140-169.
Does the Noncombatant Immunity Norm Have Stopping Power? A Debate (with Charli Carpenter, Scott D. Sagan, and Benjamin A. Valentino), International Security 45, no.2 (Fall 2020): 170-186.
Double or Nothing? The Effects of the Diffusion of Dual-Use Enabling Technologies on Strategic Stability, CISSM Working Paper (July 2020).
Arms Supply and Proliferation Networks (with David Kinsella), Oxford Handbook of Political Networks, ed. Jennifer Nicoll Victor, Alexander H. Montgomery, and Mark Lubell (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2017), 761-786.
Department of Defense Strategy for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction co-author, (June 2014).
Misestimation: Explaining US Failures to Predict Nuclear Weapons Programs (with Adam Mount), Intelligence and National Security 29, no.3 (Summer 2014), 357-386. Also see
Stop Helping Me: When Nuclear Assistance Impedes Nuclear Programs, chapter 7 in The Nuclear Renaissance and International Security, ed. Adam Stulberg and Matt Fuhrmann (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2013), 177-202.
The Perils of Predicting Proliferation
(with Scott D. Sagan), Journal of Conflict Resolution 53, no.2 (April 2009): 302-328.
Proliferation Networks in Theory and Practice, in Globalization and WMD Proliferation: Terrorism, Transnational Networks, and International Security, ed. James A. Russell and James J. Wirtz(London, UK: Routledge, 2008), 28-39.
Ringing in Proliferation: How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb Network. International Security 30, no.2 (Fall 2005): 153-187.
Network Analysis
Relationally Challenged: Putting the Social Back into Network Analysis, chapter 3 in the Oxford Handbook of International Political Sociology, ed. Stacie E. Goddard, George Lawson, and Ole Jacob Sending (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2025).
A New Hope? Practice Theory, Relationalism, and the Paradigm Wars, International Studies Quarterly Forum (January 15, 2017).
Quantum Mechanisms: Expanding the Boundaries of Power, Space, and Time in Global Security Studies, Journal of Global Security Studies 1, no.1 (Jan 2016), 102-106.
Centrality in Transnational Governance: How Networks of International Institutions shape Power Processes, chapter 2 in New Power Politics: Networks, Governance, and Global Security, ed. Deborah Avant and Oliver Westerwinter (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2016), 19-38.
with Jennifer Nicoll Victor and Mark Lubell
Oxford Handbook of Political Networks, ed. Jennifer Nicoll Victor, Alexander H. Montgomery, and Mark Lubell (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2017).
Introduction: The Emergence of the Study of Networks in Politics, chapter 1 in the Oxford Handbook of Political Networks, ed. Jennifer Nicoll Victor, Alexander H. Montgomery, and Mark Lubell (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2017), 1-57.
with Charli Carpenter
Explaining the Advocacy Agenda: Insights From the Human Security Network (also with Sirin Duygulu and Anna Tomaskovic-Devey), International Organization 68, no.2 (Mar 2014): 449-470.
with Emilie Hafner-Burton
War, Trade, and Distrust: Why Trade Agreements Don’t Always Keep the Peace, Conflict Management and Peace Science 29, no.3 (Jul 2012): 257–278.
Network Analysis for International Relations
(also with Miles Kahler), International Organization 63, no.3 (Sum 2009): 559-592.
Globalization and the Social Power Politics of International Economic Networks, chapter 2 in Networked Politics: Agency, Power, and Governance, ed. Miles Kahler (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2009), 23-42.
Power Or Plenty: How Do International Trade Institutions Affect Economic Sanctions? Journal of Conflict Resolution 52, no.2 (Apr 2008): 213-242.
The Hegemon's Purse: No Economic Peace between Democracies. Journal of Peace Research 45, no.1 (Jan 2008): 111-120.
Power Positions: International Organizations, Social Networks, and Conflict. Journal of Conflict Resolution 50, no.1 (Feb 2006): 3-27.