Robert Reynolds
Images relating to subways and urban transit

image: Stockholm Local Transport Authority
Abbesses metro station (large new 1996 version by N. Barth - used with permission)
Many of the images that were originally linked to this page have unfortunately disappeared from access. The page will be maintained for a while longer in view of the quality of some of the images that remain available.
- Beijing Subway System 360-degree Virtual Tour; a nice addition with limited audio [06/06].
- David Pirmann's World Transit Systems newest images; see also the Table of Contents for the huge collection.
- Bee Flowers' wonderful collection of Moscow Metro photos. DO NOT FAIL TO NOTICE the links to virtual reality photos of some of these stations.
- Metrorma panoramic photos of the Paris métro with links to panoramas of other world systems.
- PlanètePixel Paris Métro panoramas and simple photographs.
- Christophe Agou's You Are Here, remarkably displayed "Nous York" subway images.
- Magnus Stomfelt's Metro Photos are a great new addition (original photos by Stomfelt).
- Les Barker's train photos (backtrack for fun to his other pages).
- Saul Blumenthal has a deep affection for the New York subways and provides some unusual photographs.
- Ron Carson's Trainstation (commercial) offers urban rail videos for sale and provides many interesting images. Carson has generously provided this page with a number of maps.
- Trams in Melbourne - Peter Gerasimon's Paintings of Australia; see also his Gallery 2 page [5/06].
- Mark Kavanagh's subway and rail photos, with many links.
- Ron Morris provides images and links relating to the Bangkok Subway and the Bangkok Skytrain.
- Ditmar Pauke's Magdeburg tram images, etc.
- Bela Rasky has provided (2/26/98) four images of Lviv (Ukraine) trams and (8/20/98) one of an electric train somewhere in Ukraine (?).
- Lviv #1
- Lviv #2
- Lviv #3 (my favorite)
- Lviv #4
- Train (huge or 12% of the full size)
Thanks to Andrij Korol' for correction of the city name spelling.
- Andrij Korol' provided (02/06) sixteen images of Kyiv metro stations. They are not identified by name, but the station name is visible in some of them.
- Kyiv Bridge
- Kyiv Station 1
- Kyiv Station 2
- Kyiv Station 2b
- Kyiv Station 3
- Kyiv Station 4
- Kyiv Station 5
- Kyiv Station 6
- Kyiv Station 7
- Kyiv Station 8
- Kyiv Station 9
- Kyiv Station 10
- Kyiv Station 11
- Kyiv Station 12
- Kyiv Station 13
- Kyiv Station 14
- David Williams collection postcards from Madrid and California (from the top, Sacramento, San Francisco, and San Diego).
- Allen T. Zagel provided photos from the Beijing subway accesible by the numbers here: 1, 2, and 3; many more are available at his excellent China Rail site.
- The Kingston, New York, Trolley Museum Collection of images.
- Moscow Metro hallway; Metro escalator (Steven Grimm).

image: Stockholm Local Transport Authority
Subway Page
© Robert Reynolds