Digital Media Fundamentals: Keyframing


Keyframing Audio using source footage from the movie "Ship of Theseus"


Here you will notice that 1) the entry into clip 9483 is abrupt. 2) There is a ruffling noise at the end of clip 9483. This is not an ideal solution (the ideal is to use another take) but lets try to minimize the audio problem by keyframing audio.

- Expand track by scrolling at the end of the track

- Click on the diamond add-delete keyframe button (1 in the picture) to create keyframes

- Notice that the audio in track A3 is longer than video V3. You can decouple the Audio/Video by clicking on "Linked Selection" button (2 in the picture).


Some Notes on Audio


Applying Effects in PR

- Turn the first clip 9479 into b/w (Effects-> Video Effects -> Color Correction -> Lumetri Color)
- Keyframe next clip 9510 b/w into color

General directions for applying effects:

1. Locate the effect from the Effects panel (two panels down from the Project panel on the bottom left quadrant)
2. Double click to apply to the current clip or drag and drop onto clip
3. Once applied, locate the Effects Control panel at the top left quadrant next to Source Viewer
4. Change the parameters


Keyframing Effects in PR

You can keyframe any parameter that is part of an effect that has a clock icon (Toggle Animation). Here I am keyframing the size of the video. I start off with the video at 152% zooming in on the face and gradually going back to 100% scale.

Notice that the add-remove keyframe button interface (diamond with triangles next to it) is the same as when keyframing volume.
