Mac Finder (NOT SEARCH)

  • Organize using folders
    • If you don't see your home or your computer go to Finder -> Settings (or Preferences) -> sidebar
  • Application folder
  • Notes

    Know where your files are


    Film Theory -> Digital Media

    One of the goals of this semester is to go over some fundamental abstractions used in digital media. I argue these abstractions are independent of specific products (Premier or AfterEffects) but widely adopted and integral to how we think about and manipulate digital media.

    If film theory had conventions and language unique to film (eg. montage), time-based digital media would have something unique to it too. We'll look at:



    1. Sign in via Adobe Creative Clouid
      1. type in your Reed email address
      2. click "Company or School Account" which should take you to the familiar Reed log in page
      3. type Reed username and password

    2. Start Premier Pro

    3. Create New Project
      • Name Project and specify location - I recommmend your hard drive (when you get one)
      • Make sure you know where you saved it

    4. Import Media
      • File import or drag and drop into project pane.
      • You must remember where your source media is. You are not copying the files into Premier. Premier is only referecing it (telling it where it can find it).

    Helpful things to remember
    To reset workspace
       Window -> Workspaces -> Reset to Saved
    Keyboard short-cut "~"
       to enlarge/minimize the panel that is active

    Project Pane

    - This is where all your resources go (video, audio, images, sequences)
    - Desktop interface
    - Organize with Folders (Bins)
    - Files are links to the actual files on the computer. Not copied. If you move the files, the link will be broken

    1. Save your project with a name. (File-> Save As). A project is a container for your edits.

    2. Drag files or right click to import

      - Create a Bin (folder) named "Source Videos" and put all your imported vidoes into the bin
      - Use the List View to see video information (resolution, frame rate, duration)

    Source Monitor

    - This is where you cut/modify your original clips
    1. Double click or drag clips in the project pane to display on source monitor.

      - Video player interface. Things are "playable". And what way is it playable?

      - Keyboard Shortcut to navigate: Premier/Final Cut/Quicktime (rewind, stop, play, slowmo, fast forward) -- j,k,l, spacebar
          spacebar: play/stop
          j: rewind
          k: stop
          l: forward
          k+j: one frame back
          k+l: one frame forward
          jj: fast rewind
          ll: fasat forward

    2. To make an edit:

      1. Mark In (i), Mark Out (o) to make a selection (called clips)

        option-k to play from in to out. option-x to clear in/out points. Alternatively, look for the commands from Finder -> Marker

      2. Drag and drop into the timeline.

        This creates a sequence. A sequence represents your end product (all your edits combined). You can have multiple sequences in your project (eg. different versions of your movie).

        When you create a new sequence from an existing video, it inherits its video properties. This is helpful!

        You can create an empty sequence from the File -> New -> Sequence but you have to deal with the complex video formats which I'd rather not go into now.


    Program Monitor/Timeline

    Gives you two views of your sequence (edits).

    Keyboard shortcuts in timeline:
    - backslash (\) to get full view
    - +/- to zoom in/out
    - Spacebar to play/stop
    - Up/Down arrow keys to go through edit points

    Making Basic Edits

    Premier Timeline

    Splicing film (putting together strips of physical film)

    Track interface (different from splicing :

    Tascam 1-inch 16-Track analogue tape recorder

    Korg D888 8-track digital recorder from (Bubba73 at English Wikipedia)

    Outputting the Project into a Video File


    Creating a new sequence (edit)

    File -> New -> Sequence

    Don't bother choosing. There are hundreds of settings.


    1. A video with mathcing video and audio with the complete panagram "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over the Lazy Dog".

    2. A re-mix video/audio which turns the panagram into a rhythmical musical piece. (eg. TheTheTheThe QQQuick,ck,ck...etc). Must use multiple tracks. (Yes, not necessary, but for the sake of practice, use multiple tracks).

    If rythmical is not your thing, you can also approach it geometrically (see image below)

    image found on the internet

    3. Export the second "re-mix" video into a movie file (compressed in H264) and show instructor