Students will document events or series of events. This could include
capturing the preparation behind a public event, the quieter moments
of a busy scene, or the aftermath of an activity, or an event that is more personal.
Plan: [
this part is due as email before the project]
- Selection of event: Choose an event or series of events that
occur over a period of time. This could be as specific as a local
market, a community gathering, a day in [restaurant, museum,
admissions office, school ...etc], a public demonstration, a sports
event, an outing, a lab experiment, a class, etc. It can also be
slightly more broad such as "2025" or "the election" if it
occurs/is occurring during the course of the assignment.
- (Tentative) approach as the photographer
- Imagine and state couple of things you want to convey to the viewer
- List three photos you need/seek for the project
- State general approach to the project. How you plan on organizing/arranging the photographs. What your relationship is (eg. observer, participant, somebody with privileged access)
On Assignment:
- We will approach this not as daily photo journalists who have very tight deadlines and governed by practical
demands of it being consumed as "today's news".
- This usually means we are afforded more time and freedom to go in depth by focusing on aspects that are typically overlooked or unseen in daily news journalism. The subject matter can be more idiosyncratic, less time-sensitive, or even timeless in nature.
Often, the purpose of a photo documentary project is to uncover moments, emotions, or aspects that are typically overlooked in such events in mainstream reporting. This might include capturing the expressions of bystanders, the efforts of event staff, or the surrounding environment where the event unfolds.
- There can be more thought put in to the formal qualities of your photographs compared to daily news reporting.
When shooting, pay attention to composition, lighting, and
perspective to tell a story effectively.
- Structure: The final presentation should have a legible (narrative) structure, showing a unique perspective of the event.
Final Product:
Create a google/powerpoint slideshow with text and photographs.
We are using google slideshow so you can arrange text and images but if you have other preferences
let the instructor know. (If you like google doc/word that is fine too - I find it hard to place images)
Whatever the potential medium (magazine, book, web page), unless stated otherwise, we are going to assume a linear structure (that there is a beginning and and end).
So in the critique, we will look at the work in order from beginning to end.
Include text as much as necessary but you don't need to write an article/essay as we will not have the time to read them in depth. I expect titles and captions.
There are no hard parameters for the number of photographs but 10 - 15 photographs.
(I don't think you can convey the fullness of the event with 1-5 photographs. 20-50 will be too ambitious - usually a multi-year project)