
We will explore the evidentiary power of photography through documentary photography. The relationship between text and images will be explored by presenting work in a framework different than prints on a gallery wall.

FYI - in Photo 1, we mostly explored photography as prints on walls. We focused on genres like portrait, still-life, or landscapes (PACA Ch1, 2, 3, 4, 5). So you can broadly understand this particular assignment as capturing "events" or telling (non-fictive) stories from real-life (PACA Ch6).

This assignment also serves as a refresher for Photo 1 so that we can get up to speed on things and as an opportunity to demonstrate the skills you learned.


Students will document events or series of events. This could include capturing the preparation behind a public event, the quieter moments of a busy scene, or the aftermath of an activity, or an event that is more personal.

Plan: [this part is due as email before the project]

  1. Selection of event: Choose an event or series of events that occur over a period of time. This could be as specific as a local market, a community gathering, a day in [restaurant, museum, admissions office, school ...etc], a public demonstration, a sports event, an outing, a lab experiment, a class, etc. It can also be slightly more broad such as "2025" or "the election" if it occurs/is occurring during the course of the assignment.

  2. (Tentative) approach as the photographer
    • Imagine and state couple of things you want to convey to the viewer
    • List three photos you need/seek for the project
    • State general approach to the project. How you plan on organizing/arranging the photographs. What your relationship is (eg. observer, participant, somebody with privileged access)

On Assignment:

Final Product:


Criteria of Documentary Photography to Consider

Formal consideration:

Other Considerations:



Submit your work as google slideshow or PDF

