
Prepare a 10 - 15 min presentation using powerpoint or google slides. Please prepare and have a script ready. Usually 1 slide/minute. Submit file [here].
In the presentation, please share process, observations, and findings. Slide can be structured as:



To critically analyze how color perception is influenced by perceptual, cultural, social, and technological factors.

The colors you get from any device should not be taken as natural/neutral.


Research historical and contemporary examples where color perception has been influenced or manipulated, like the color film's bias towards lighter skin tones.

Goes over different color presets for Lightroom/Photoshop that simulate various Kodachrome film from 1934 - 1970s

Experiment 1 BW to Color (in class)

Our goal was to think about how color is technically reproduced in media by recreating it (from bw) and manipulating it.

Create a color photograph using a three-color process. Take three black-and-white photographs, each recording red, green, and blue light. Combine them to create a base color image (Let's call this Color Ground Zero) without any systematic color correction or bias. The resulting color might appear unfamiliar or color-casted. This is fine as we want to spend time thiking about color by changing them.

Experiment 2: Color Correction/Color Grading in Photoshop


Critical Analysis

Conduct additional experiments or spend more time with the experiments we discussed in class. For example, provide a critical analysis of how color is reproduced in media and perceived or present developed examples/results of your experiments. Alternatively, you can create art works that considers color.

Some Ideas:


