Instructor: Aki Miyoshi (he/him they/them)
E-Mail: miyos at reed dot edu
Meeting times: MON & WED 6:10PM -9:00PM
Office hours: TBD

Schedule (bookmark this page):

Course Description:
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of photography through both black and white and digital photographic processes and investigates the use of photography in the context of contemporary art. The class will cover camera operation, principles of exposure, basic understanding of light, film development, and darkroom/digital printing. Technical, aesthetic, and conceptual possibilities of photography are explored through shooting assignments, readings, slide presentations and critiques.

Exploration through the methods of visual art. You will realize there are various ways of doing things in art. One goal of this class is to familiarize yourself with past approaches and methods (through slide lectures and conferences.) Another is to acquire skills. (You will be assigned technical exercises.) And finally, you will put all that into practice by exploring your own questions and ideas. (We do that through projects which is subject to critique).

Learning Outcome:
After completing this class students will understand the fundamentals of photography, become proficient in camera operation and gain digital and analog imaging skills. Students will understand the history and discourse surrounding photography and art. Students will be able to convey ideas through photography through projects and critiques. Students will be able to analyze and evaluate photographic works of art through readings, slide shows and critiques.

Everything counts. Come to class. Participate. Work in class. Work out of class. Read. Be responsible. Hand in assignments on time.... Make work. Make work for your self (not for your instructor). Explore. Think. Thoughtful work is good. Craft is important.

If you miss a class or any exercise, you are responsible for catching up by asking your classmates.
Speaking up or sharing thoughts counts as participation. Handing in technical exercises count as participation. Extra effort on technical exercises or the quality of your participation during class discussions and critiques will be noted and will reflect on your final evaluation.
If you miss 4 classes/exercises without excuse, expect your grades to be lowered by 1 letter grade. If you miss 6 classes/exercises or more without excuse, you will not pass the class.

Projects will be evaluated on the quality of the work and will individually have the most impact on the grade you will receive.

Class rules:
  1. Use of computers/mobile-devices during class-time should be limited to activities relevant to class
  2. No working during critiques and discussions. Once critiques start, I will not accept hand-ins until the critique is over.
  3. Unless you have permission, all photographs must be taken specifically for class.
  4. If you are not feeling well, please follow the community guidelines and stay home. Otherwise this class is designed as an in-person class so please participate in person.

Required Text: Recommended Text: Materials: Equipment Checkout:
Checkout through the Digital Media Lab (Paul McAllister)
Week 1: Mon - Thu 10 am - 5pm, Fri 10 am - 2 pm

Week 2 - : Mon and Fri   9 am - 5 pm (avoid when class taking place Mon/Wed 1:10pm - 4:00pm,
                             and lunch break 12:00 - 12:30pm)

For help (film, developing, printing...etc):
- Student worker in darkroom: TBD

Printing at the DML:
Submit digital files to be printed at least 24 hours before during DML business hours [here][instructions/information]. For academic class use only.
Sources for supply/equipment: Local camera shop/repair