Web 2.0

HTML + CSS + Javascript



Client Side vs Server Side

- Clientside: works inside a web browser. Content can appear/disappear, move around the screen, automatically update.

- Serverside: runs on the server. Php, Ruby on Rails, node.js (javascript) ...etc. Use of databases (storing and managing data), complex processing of information (credit card).

- API (Application Programming Interface) - allows the client program to talk to well known servers/services (Google Map, Facebook, Twitter...etc). You can use content/services from many sources to create what is called a Mashup. (eg. combining photo service, with Yelp, with Google Maps).


Adding Javascript to a page

   <!DOCTYPE html>


     alert('hello world');




Hello World (p12)

Sample file: 01_hello.html

  alert('hello world'); // Opens alert box with message

  document.write('<p> Hellow World Again! </p>'); // write text into the html document


Adding Javascript to a page - 2 (External Javascript Files) (p15)

Including an external javascript file on your server

   <!DOCTYPE html>

    <script src="myscript.js"> </script> // external file



Adding Javascript to a page - 3

Including an external javascript file from another server

   <!DOCTYPE html>

     <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script> 
     <script src="myscript.js"> </script> 
     alert('hello world');



Using an External Javascript File

Sample file: 01_external.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> The Title of this HTML Page </title>

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {


Hello. This is the body.



Tracking Down Errors - Javascript Console (p18)

The use of Javascript console is a must. Before asking anyone else why your javascript does not work, make sure you check the console.

On Chrome:
View -> Developer -> JavaScript Console

It can be cryptic at first but it is helpful in
