The WWW Environment

- the web browser parses the HTML document and displays it according to it's parsing algorithm. (That is why when you use different browsers some sites look different).

Web Browsers

List/genealogy of Web Browsers

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)


We will use a combination of HTML4 and HTML5.

A great resource you should bookmark and use:


HTML document

CSS - Visual styling. CSS separates presentation from structure.
JavaScript - Adds programmed function. Makes the web page dynamic.

Creating an HTML file (1)

What makes HTML a code and not a text file?

- If you name it with a .txt extention, it will be treated as a text file. With a .html extension, it will be treated as a html document. The application used to interpret the file changes. (If you give it a .tif or .jpg extension, an app for image will open your file)

Art work that uses confusion between text and code:

- This classic net art by jodi
- One sentence contained within every HTML tag in alphabetical order by Evan Roth

- p.s. Do not name files with spaces. I suggest you use "_" underbars instead.

Creating an HTML file (2)

Type in the following:

     <!DOCTYPE html>
     <title> The Title of this HTML Page </title>

     This is the body of this HTML Page

Creating an HTML file (3)

  1. Save the file as plain text with the extension of .html (.htm is okay too).
  2. Open this file from your browser.
    On Chrome: File -> Open File
  3. Whenever you change the content of the html file, and the change is saved, you should see the change reflected when you reload the page (Reload this page button on top left or Cmd+r ).