Instructor: Aki Miyoshi
E-Mail: miyos at reed dot edu
Meeting times: T & THR 6:10PM -9:00PM
Office hours: TUE 11:30am - 1pm & by appointment

Schedule (bookmark this page):

Course Description: This course introduces students to the fundamentals of photography through both black and white and digital photographic processes and investigates the use of photography in the context of contemporary art. The class will cover camera operation, principles of exposure, basic understanding of light, film development, and darkroom/digital printing. Technical, aesthetic, and conceptual possibilities of photography are explored through shooting assignments, readings, slide presentations and critiques.

Required Text: Recommended Text: Materials: Sources for supply: Local photo/digital resources
Evaluation: Everything counts. Come to class. Participate. Work in class. Work out of class. Read. Be responsible. Hand in assignments on time.... Make work. Make work for your self (not for your instructor). Think. Thoughtful work is good. Craft is important.

There will be many demos through out the semester. If you miss a class, you are responsible for catching up by asking your classmates. If you miss a class when readings are discussed, you are responsible for sharing your thoughts to the class via moodle. If you miss 3 classes, expect your grades to be lowered by 1 letter grade. If you miss 6 classes or more, you will not pass the class.

The class will be split into two groups for some demos to assure you have access to the resources you need. If you want to attend the workshop/demo for another group, you are responsible for finding a classmate in the other group willing to change spots with you.

Feedback: I encourage you to come talk to me about your projects. It does not matter if it is before completion or after completion of your work.

Work Time: Be prepared to work every class (bring negatives, paper to class). You will be expected to spend significant time outside of class to complete the projects.

Class rules:
1. Use of computers during class-time should be limited to activities relevant to class
2. No working during critiques and discussions. Once critiques start, I will not accept handins until the ctitique is over.
3. Unless you have permission, all photographs must be taken specifically for class.

Equipment Checkout: You may checkout equipment during class time, or during the digital media lab hours (from Digital Media Assistant -- Paul McAllister).
Mon and  Wed   10 am - 1:00pm (class from 1:10), 4:00-5pm
Tue and  Thr   10am  - 1:30pm (class from 1:40), 4:30-5pm
Fri            10 am - 2 pm
Darkroom help:
Mon 5:30 - 8:30 pm 
Wed 6 - 9 pm 

On Assignments: As this is an introductory class and photography being technical in nature, the assignments tend to be...technical. This is my way of making you do new things and have you learn the craft. But don't forget, be creative, be provocative, be thoughtful! In the end, that is what art is about... Challenge yourself within the technical limitations given by the assignments.
There is value in going through the motion. Thus, unless you discuss with the instructor, all assignments and exercise done for class must be done for the class.