Evaluating Pictures with the Histogram

Photoshp: Image -> Adjustments -> Levels

Global Tonal/Color Correction

Wrong (destructive) way:

1. in the histogram tool, move the grey triangle (called midpoint gamma) to one edge to make it darker or lighter.
2. click OK.
3. re-open the histogram tool and see what happenend to the histogram. Do you see a comb pattern?


Rounding Off


Bit Depth (1 bit)

The color of each pixel is described using certain number of 0s and 1s.
Number of bits used to describe a pixel is called bit depth.

1 bit image: uses 1 bit (0 or a 1) to represent a pixel. Usually black or white.

In photoshop, (for historical reasons) this is called bitmap mode.
- Image -> Mode -> Bitmap
- Check out the Channels panel


Bit Depth (8 bit)

Uses 8 bit to represent the color of a pixel.
8 bit image: 2^8 = 256 possible values for each pixel.

In Photoshop this mode is called Grayscale
- Image -> Mode -> Grayscale
- Check out the Channels panel


Bit Depth (24 bits, 8 bits/Channel)

24 bit image (Photoshop calls it 8 bits/channel)

- Image -> Mode -> {RGB Color, 8bits/channel}
- Check out the Channels panel

Photoshop: image-> mode -> {8 bits/channel, 16 bits/channel}

16 and 32 Bits/ Channel

8 Bits / Channel => 16777216 colors
16 Bits/ Channel => 281474976710656 colors
32 Bits/ Channel => 79228162514264337593543950336 colors

- When scanned at 8 Bits, 16 Bits, or 32 Bits, image will look exactly the same
- By the time you print, convert it to 8 Bits / Channel

8bit image:
16bit image:


On Discarding Information

Note that you can discard color information:

RGB 16 bits/channel -> RGB 8 bits/channel -> Grayscale -> Bitmap

But if you go the other way you won't get the colors back

Workflow (for non RAW captures)

Your scanner only gives you a starting point. It is an imperfect image. You will need to fix these imperfections.


Global Tonal/Color Correction 2

Destructive tools -- Photoshop's traditional tools for global tonal/color correction (under Image -> Adjustments)

Non-destructive Editing -- Use Adjustment Layers


Flattening Image

Once you are done and ready to commit:

Background layer
  • When you open an image, Photshop puts it in a layer called Background, which has restrictions (as represented by the lock sign).
  • If you want to unlock and modify the background layer and treat it as a normal layer, double click and make it into Layer 0a


[Adobe TV: improving tonal quality with levels]

Black(1), midpoint gamma(2), white point(3) slider Setting neutral white(6), neutral gray (5), and black(4) target points




Useful Tools


Local Corrections

Layer masks
