Birth Weight data
Taken from
Stat Labs by
Nolan and Speed, originally from the Child Health and Development
Studies conducted at the Oakland, CA, Kaiser Foundation Hospital. The
variables are
- bwt: baby's weight in ounces at birth
- gestation: duration of pregnancy in days
- parity: parity indicator (first born = 1, later birth = 0)
- age: mother's age in years
- height: mother's height in inches
- weight: mother's weight in pounds (during pregnancy)
- smoke: indicator for whether mother smokes (1=yes, 0=no)
The data are in "data frame" format, which are
arrays of data in which each case (here an individual) corresponds to
a row, and each variable corresponds to a column. The row labels for
these data frames are just row numbers, the column labels are the names
of the variables. Only complete cases are included here.
Note: Use the following command to load the data:
Bwt = read.csv("")