Homework for Mathematics 202 S02, Spring 2024-25
- F 1/31 - 2.1: 3; 2.2: 3,4,5,7,8
- T 2/4 - 2.2: 10,12,15a,(rest of 15 optional); 2.3: 9,(11 optional)
- F 2/7 - 3.10: 1,2,4,6,10,12(not the numerical part at the
end),17(not the numerical part at the end)
- M 2/10 - Take-home quiz on chapter 2 due at classtime
- F 2/14 - 4.3: 4,6
- T 2/18 - 4.4: 1,2,5, 4.5: 4a,4b
- F 2/21 - 4.5: 7,9,(read 10)
- T 2/25 - 4.6: 2,3,5,(optional read 6,optional read 7,optional read 8)
- F 2/28 - 4.7: 1,2,3,4,5,7,(optional read 11)
- W 3/5 - 4.8: 2,6,8,9,(10 optional)
- F 3/7 - 6.1: 1,(2 optional),3,4; 6.2: 1,(2 optional),3
- M 3/10 - Take-home quiz on chapter 4 due at classtime
- W 3/12 - 6.2: 4,5,6b (granting 6a); 6.3: 2,3,4
- F 3/14 - 6.3: (5 optional),6,7; 6.5: 9
- M 3/17 - First part of take-home quiz on chapter 6 due at classtime
- W 3/19 - 6.6: 1,2,3,4,5
- F 3/21 - 6.6: 6,7,8,11,13
- Spring break week
- W 4/2 - 6.7: 1(choose coordinate system, draw (r,z) cross
section),2or3(draw (r,z) cross section, set up the integral),
5(second part),7,8,9
- F 4/4 - 6.7: 10,11,12,13,14
- M 4/7 - Second part of take-home quiz on chapter 6 due at classtime
- W 4/9 - 9.3: 1,2; 9.4: 1,2,3
- F 4/11 - 9.5: 1,2b,4,5
- W 4/16 - 9.7: 1,2,4
- F 4/18 - 9.8: 1,2,3,4,5,6
- T 4/22 - 9.9: 1(second and third questions of b, second and third
questions of d, second and third questions of f),2,3; 9.10:
1(second question of c)
- F 4/25 - 9.13: 2,3,4,5,6,7
- T 4/29 - 9.14: 1,2,3,4
- F 5/2 - 9.16: 2,3,4,5
- W 5/7 - Take-home quiz on chapter 9 due at 5pm
(at a Google drive)
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