Basic Glossary of Terms in Aikido

Nage the person who throws.
Uke the person who attacks.
Sensei teacher.
Onegaeshimasu (roughly) please help me; please train with me; (said to your partner each time you train).
Ochitsuki calmness displayed before, during, and after a throw.
Ma-ai safe distance.
Hammi a posture in which one foot is advanced one step and the weight of the body is distributed equally on both feet. (one foot in front of the other)
Ai-hammi nage and uke stand facing each other in the same hammi.

Attack name
Shomenuchi straight blow to the top of the head.
Yokomenuchi a side (roundhouse) blow to the neck.
Munetsuki punch to the chest area.
Katatori shoulder grab, with one hand.
Ryo-katatori grab each shoulder with one hand.
Katatetori grab one wrist (same side).
Katate-kosatori grab the opposite wrist (like shaking hands).
Katatetori ryotemochi both hands grab one wrist.
Ryotetori each hand grabs each wrist.
Ushirotori bear hug around shoulders from behind.
Ushiro-tekubitori grab both wrists from behind.
Ushiro-kubijime neck choke from behind.

Ikkyo (first form) stretch whole arm while holding onto the uke's hand.
Nikkyo (second form) lead uke by stretching their wrist at your shoulder.
Sankyo (third form) another wrist stretching exercise.
Yonkyo (fourth form) hold the hand while the other hand cuts the inside bone of the forearm with ki.
Koteoroshi leading, stretching partners wrist.
Shihonage pivot approximately 45 degrees, leading uke's hand circular and straight down at their shoulder.
Kaitenage brush the head down leading to a forward roll.
Zenponage forward throw.
Kokyunage a ki throw using ki (and momentum) to lead uke.
Koshinage a hip throw.
Sudori straight in toward opponents feet.

Irimi (literally entering) forward leading direction for the nage, ki goes straight in.
Tenkan (circular) nage leads uke in a circular direction.
Hachi no ji figure eight throw. Nage's fingertips describes a figure eight in the air while throwing.
Kirikaeshi change of direction throw.
Kubikiri cut the neck.
Ojigi bow in the technique.
Ushiro attack from behind.

Mode of defense
Tachi waza both nage and uke are standing.
Zagi both nage and uke are seated.
Zagi handachi nage is seated, uke attacks standing.
Tanken tori uke attacks with a knife (tanto).
Jo tori uke attacks with a staff (jo).
Jo nage nage throws while holding a staff.
Bokuto uke attacks with a sword (bokken).