MATH 201 - Fall 2017

MATH 201: Linear Algebra
Fall 2017

Section 3

Professor: Angélica Osorno
Office: Library 305
Phone: x5093 (503-517-5093)

This is the course information website for section F03 of Math 201: Linear Algebra.
All other material for the class will be posted on the Moodle page.

General Information


Text: Linear Algebra, Third edition, by Jim Hefferon. Full text available here.

Course description: A brief introduction to field structures, followed by presentation of the algebraic theory of finite dimensional vector spaces. Topics include linear transformations, determinants, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, diagonalization. Geometry of inner product spaces is examined in the setting of real and complex fields.

Problem sets: Homework will be due at noon on Tuesdays and Fridays. No late problem sets will be accepted, but the lowest score will be dropped. Please order and staple your solutions. Solutions should be written neatly or typeset and should use complete sentences. An ideal solution is written as an explanation meant for other students in the class. Problems in the homework will be graded according to the following scale: Collaboration policy: You are welcome to work on homework together, this is a great way of learning. But YOU MUST WRITE UP YOUR OWN SOLUTIONS INDEPENDENTLY. For total disclosure, write the names of your collaborators and tutors.

Exams: There will be two take-home exams and a final exam. Participation: I expect you to actively engage in conversations in class by asking questions and participating in classroom discussions.

Grades: Your grade will be based on your performance on the homework, the midterms and final exam, and class participation.

Technology: The use of electronic devices (computers, cell phones, tablets, etc) is not allowed in the classroom without my authorization. Talk to me if you have a specific reason for needing to use technology (for example, note taking).

Academic honesty: As noted above, for homework you should write your own solutions and disclose your collaborators. For both exams, there is no collaboration allowed. The internet is a great source of information about mathematics; you are welcome to search information about the material of the course online, but you should not search for solutions to specific problems in the homework.

A final remark: Learning and understanding mathematics requires engaging with the material several times. You might not get what is happening on the first try. Struggling with the material is normal, and maybe even expected. By actively participating in class, spending time working on the homework, reviewing the material, talking to classmates and talking to me, you will increase your understanding. Use the resources available!