MATH 112 - Spring 2015

MATH 112: Intro to Analysis
Fall 2014

Section 7

Professor: Angélica Osorno
Office: Library 305
Phone: x5093 (503-517-5093)

This is the course information website for section 6 of Math 112: Intro to Analysis.
All other material for the class will be posted on the Moodle page.

General Information


Text: Introduction to Analysis, by Irena Swanson. Please report to Irena any further errors, mathematical or typographical, any suggestions, or any typeset solutions.

Course description: This course is an introduction to analysis, with an emphasis on learning how to write proofs. We will core basic concepts in mathematics, such as sets, binary operations, relations, fields. We will review some calculus using the new level of rigor, and learn about sequences and series.

Problem sets: Homework will be due at the beginning of class, mostly on Mondays. No late problem sets will be accepted, but the lowest score will be dropped. Please order and staple your solutions.

Collaboration policy: You are welcome to work on homework together, this is a great way of learning. But YOU MUST WRITE UP YOUR OWN SOLUTIONS INDEPENDENTLY. For total disclosure, write the names of your collaborators and tutors.

Ten-minute quizzes: Happen most Fridays at the beginning of class. The lowest score will be dropped.

Exams: There will be three in-class hour-long exams and a final exam. Math help center: Student tutors are available to help you on SMTWTh from 7:00 to 9:00pm in L387 and L389. More information here.