MATH 111 - Fall 2013
MATH 111: Calculus
Fall 2013
Sections 2 and 6
Professor: Angélica Osorno
This is the course information website for sections 2 and 6 of Math 111: Calculus.
All other material for the class will be posted on the Moodle page.
General Information
- Lecture (Section 2): MTWF 11:00-11:50am, Lib 204.
- Lecture (Section 6): MTWF 2:10-3:00pm, Lib 389.
- Office hours: T 3-4pm, W 1-2pm, F 10-11am; you can also make an appointment or stop by my office. If my door is open, you are welcome in.
Text: Calculus of a Single Variable, 8th Edition, Larson, Hostetler, and Edwards, available at the bookstore. The book is on reserve in the library.
Problem sets: Homework will be due at the beginning of class on Fridays, except if it is a holiday. No late problem sets will be accepted. Please order and staple your solutions.
Collaboration policy: You are welcome to work on homework together, but YOU MUST WRITE UP YOUR OWN SOLUTIONS INDEPENDENTLY. For total disclosure, write the names of your collaborators and tutors.
Exams: There will be two in-class hour-long exams and a final exam.
- Exam 1: Tuesday, October 1.
Exam 2: Tuesday, November 12.
Final Exam: During exam week
Math help center: Student tutors are available to help you on SMTWTh from 7:00 to 9:00pm in L387 or L389.